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Authors: Pfeiffer, Christoph (2023) - The book is therefore not only aimed at buyers. Auctions in procurement and the underlying game-theoretical principles also play an equally significant role for sellers.Applied game theory in purchasing has become an important tool in many companies for systematically achieving success in negotiations. The central building block of game-theoretically optimized awards are purchasing auctions. A basic knowledge of auctions and game theory is therefore particularly important for purchasers.
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Authors: Wardle, Heather (2021) - This open access book focuses on how and why digital games and gambling are increasingly intertwined and asks “does this matter?” Looking at how “loot boxes” became the poster child for the convergence of gambling and gaming, Wardle traces how we got here
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Authors: Christian Francq; Jean-Michel Zakoian (2019) - Features up-to-date coverage of the current research in the probability, statistics, and econometric theory of GARCH models Covers significant developments in the field, especially in multivariate models Contains completely renewed chapters with new topics and results Handles both theoretical and applied aspects Applies to researchers in different fields (time series, econometrics, finance) Includes numerous illustrations and applications to real financial series Presents a large collection of exercises with corrections Supplemented by a supporting website featuring R codes, Fortran programs, data sets and Problems with corrections GARCH Models, 2nd Edition is an authoritative, state-...
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Authors: Edward G. Leonard (2012) - ACF's Cold Kitchen Fundamentals covers all aspects of the garde manger, from simple salad prep, to dressing and sauce making, to appetizers, soups and sandwiches, to charcuterie, cheese making, and ice carving. Each chapter is rich with photos, chef's tips, and recipes and each unit includes learning activities and benchmark formulas that encourage specific learning outcomes. Offering unique coverage of competition and food technology, the book helps students understand the underlying principals of the cold kitchen and develop the skills needed to produce their own signature sauces, salads, and more!
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Authors: - (2012) - This new edition improves on the last with the most up-to-date recipes, plating techniques, and flavor profiles being used in the field today. New information on topics like artisanal cheeses, contemporary styles of pickles and vinegars, and contemporary cooking methods has been added to reflect the most current industry trends.
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Authors: Chuck HugHes (2010) - Chuck Hughes is the star of Food Network Canada’s and The Cooking Channel’s (US) "Chuck’s Day Off", a show featuring the charismatic chef cooking for friends and family on his day off at his Montreal restaurant, Garde-Manger. Fabulously energetic, fun and a skilled chef, Chuck definitely has star quality and "splash factor". His star is on the rise in the US, with his show airing there on the Cooking Channel, and his impressive win last spring on Iron Chef, beating none other than Bobby Flay. Chuck was also one of the competitors on the US Food Network’s Next Iron Chef: Super Chefs and last holiday season his first Christmas special aired, "Chuckmas.
- magazine
Authors: Kim Bảo Giang; Vũ Quang Hiếu; Võ Thuý Hà; Vũ Quốc Đạt (2020) - Việt Nam là một điểm nóng về các bệnh truyền nhiễm mới nổi, bao gồm cả những bệnh có khả năng gây
đại dịch, đã trải qua nhiều mối đe dọa của các bệnh truyền nhiễm mới nổi. Nghiên cứu nhằm mục tiêu phân
tích gánh nặng của bệnh nhiễm khuẩn hô hấp cấp nặng (SARI) tại khoa Hồi sức cấp cứu của một số bệnh viện
tuyến tỉnh và tuyến huyện ở Việt Nam, năm 2018
- Thesis
Authors: Nguyễn Ngọc Ánh; Advisor: PGS.TS. Đỗ Thị Khánh Hỷ (2022) - Mô tả gánh nặng tâm lý của người chăm sóc người bệnh Alzheimer tại bệnh viện Lão Khoa Trung Ương năm 2020-2021 và một số yếu tố liên quan. Đánh giá hiệu quả tư vấn giảm gánh nặng người chăm sóc người bệnh Alzheimer tại bệnh viện Lão Khoa Trung Ương năm 2020-2021.
- Thesis
Authors: Lê Thu Huyền; Advisor: TS. Phan Hướng Dương (2017) - - Phân tích chi phí bệnh tật của bệnh nhân đái tháo đường typ 2 tại Bệnh viện Nội tiết Trung ương 2017.
- Đánh giá gánh nặng chi phí - bệnh tật của bệnh nhân đái tháo đường typ 2 tại Bệnh viện Nội tiết Trung ương và một số yếu tố liên quan.
- Thesis
Authors: Lê Thu Huyền; Advisor: PGS.TS. Phan Hướng Dương (2017) - -
- Thesis
Authors: Nguyễn Anh Tú; Advisor: TS. BS. Nguyễn Thu Hà (2020) - Mô tả thực trạng gánh nặng công việc của điều dưỡng viên tại bệnh viện Bạch Mai năm 2020. Phân tích một số yếu tố liên quan đến gánh nặng công việc của điều dưỡng viên bệnh viện Bạch Mai năm 2020.
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Authors: Phạm Quang Minh; Vũ Hoàng Phương; Lưu Quang Thuỳ (2021) - Hội chứng Brugada là một tình trạng liên quan đến bất thường kênh Natri ở tim trên quả tim có cấu trúc bình
thường. Chẩn đoán bệnh dựa vào đặc điểm trên điện tâm đồ cộng với biểu hiện lâm sàng và/hoặc xét nghiệm
gen. Bệnh nhân được chẩn đoán hội chứng Brugada có thể bị đột tử do rối loạn nhịp thất mà không có tiền triệu,
vì vậy nếu phải gây mê để phẫu thuật thì nguy cơ rủi ro là rất cao. Bác sỹ gây mê cần hiểu rõ cơ chế bệnh sinh của
bệnh, các yếu tố thuận lợi xuất hiện loạn nhịp, những thuốc có thể gây khởi phát loạn nhịp. Qua đó có thể lựa chọn
phương pháp vô cảm đúng, các thuốc gây mê phù hợp để đảm bảo an toàn tối đa cho bệnh nhân này. Trên cơ sở
xem lại một loạt báo c...
- magazine
Authors: Nguyễn Văn Luận; Nguyễn Đình Tiến; Nguyễn Minh Hải (2020) - -
- Sách/Book
Authors: Naila Kabeer (2018) - As many countries experience increased economic growth they also undergo widening inequalities between classes, castes and sexes. Inequalities of any kind threaten to destabilize the fabric of society, and affect the rich and the poor, exacerbating tensions and crime as well as creating injustice and indignity for the extremely poor. Inequalities between men and women lead to lower wages, gender-based violence, unequal workloads within the household and unequal access to food and resources. A focus on inequalities should mean the adoption of a gendered perspective on poverty and a renewed focus on the relationship between social justice and economic wellbeing. This book surveys econom...
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Authors: Uteng, Tanu Priya (2011) - -
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Authors: Carapezza Figlia, Gabriele (2023) - This book discusses prominent and controversial gender-related issues across the fields of family law, tort law, labour law, civil procedure law, ADR and private international law. An important critical assumption made by the authors is that the gender equality perspective has been largely neglected in several branches of private law, since scholars researching the intersection between gender and legal studies are mostly focused on public law and human rights law
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Authors: Caroline O.N. Moser. (2003) - Exploring the relationship between gender and development, this looks at gender policy and planning practices based on creating gender awareness and negotiation for women's needs at household, civil society, state and global levels.
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Authors: Renz, Flora (2024) - Analysing the strategies people use to resist, accept and respond to laws that attempt to shape not just their behaviour, but also their identity, this book pursues a critical engagement with legal gender transition. The Gender Recognition Act (GRA) has often been described as a groundbreaking and progressive legal framework for allowing people to legally change their gender. This book seeks to challenge this representation by drawing on in-depth qualitative interviews with trans people about the GRA.
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Authors: Petrică C. Pop (2012) - Generalized network design is a very hot topic of research. The monograph describes in a unified manner a series of mathematical models, methods, propositions, and algorithms developed in the last years on generalized network design problems. The book consists of seven chapters, where in addition to an introductory chapter, a number of six generalized network design problems are formulated and examined. The book will be useful for researchers and graduate students interested in operations research, optimization, applied mathematics, and computer science. Due to the substantial practical importance of some presented problems, researchers in other areas will also find it useful.
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Authors: Roshani Raut (2023) - This book explores how to use generative adversarial networks in a variety of applications and emphasises their substantial advancements over traditional generative models. This book's major goal is to concentrate on cutting-edge research in deep learning and generative adversarial networks, which includes creating new tools and methods for processing text, images, and audio. A generative adversarial network (GAN) is a class of machine learning framework and is the next emerging network in deep learning applications. Generative Adversarial Networks(GANs) have the feasibility to build improved models, as they can generate the sample data as per application requirements. There are vario...