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Showing results 1 to 20 of 9924
  • TVS.001036- 102 Combinatorial Problems Titu Andreescu-tt.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Titu Andreescu (2002)

  • 102 Combinatorial Problems consists of carefully selected problems that have been used in the training and testing of the USA International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) team. The text provides in-depth enrichment in the important areas of combinatorics by systematically reorganizing and enhancing problem-solving tactics and strategies. The book gradually builds combinatorial skills and techniques and not only broadens the student's view of mathematics, but is also excellent for training teachers.

  • TVS.001035- 104 Number Theory Problems-tt.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Titu Andreescu (2007)

  • This challenging problem book by renowned US Olympiad coaches, mathematics teachers, and researchers develops a multitude of problem-solving skills needed to excel in mathematical contests and in mathematical research in number theory. Offering inspiration and intellectual delight, the problems throughout the book encourage students to express their ideas in writing to explain how they conceive problems, what conjectures they make, and what conclusions they reach. Applying specific techniques and strategies, readers will acquire a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts and ideas of number theory.

  • TVS.001869- KM.10483- 15day-listening.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Xia Li Ping - He Ting (2016)

  • In this critical period, you have supposedly raised the knowledge of vocabulary items and grammar points. Also, your English skills have improved considerably after a long time of practice. In addition, you have grasped the key features of the IELTS test, your job is to train your test-doing strategies and enhance your communicative competence. You should know how to allocate the time allowed, how to use appropriate strategies and exploit your strengths to the utmost when taking the test to achieve your desired band score. A series of 15 DAYS 'PRACTICE FOR IELTS guidebooks designed by IELTS gurus who have written and taught IELTS courses since this kind of test came into being in 1...

  • TVS.001868- KM.10481- 15day-reading.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Deng He Gang (2015)

  • In this critical period, you have supposedly raised the knowledge of vocabulary items and grammar points. Also, your English skills have improved considerably after a long time of practice. In addition, you have grasped the key features of the IELTS test, your job is to train your test-doing strategies and enhance your communicative competence. You should know how to allocate the time allowed, how to use appropriate strategies and exploit your strengths to the utmost when taking the test to achieve your desired band score. A series of 15 DAYS 'PRACTICE FOR IELTS guidebooks designed by IELTS gurus who have written and taught IELTS courses since this kind of test came into being in 1...

  • TVS.001867- KM.10479- 15day-speaking_1.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Wang Hong Xia (2015)

  • In this critical period, you have supposedly raised the knowledge of vocabulary items and grammar points. Also, your English skills have improved considerably after a long time of practice. In addition, you have grasped the key features of the IELTS test, your job is to train your test-doing strategies and enhance your communicative competence. You should know how to allocate the time allowed, how to use appropriate strategies and exploit your strengths to the utmost when taking the test to achieve your desired band score. A series of 15 DAYS 'PRACTICE FOR IELTS guidebooks designed by IELTS gurus who have written and taught IELTS courses since this kind of test came into being in 1...

  • TVS.001866- KM.10477- 15day-writing_1.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Wang Hong Xia (2015)

  • In this critical period, you have supposedly raised the knowledge of vocabulary items and grammar points. Also, your English skills have improved considerably after a long time of practice. In addition, you have grasped the key features of the IELTS test, your job is to train your test-doing strategies and enhance your communicative competence. You should know how to allocate the time allowed, how to use appropriate strategies and exploit your strengths to the utmost when taking the test to achieve your desired band score. A series of 15 DAYS 'PRACTICE FOR IELTS guidebooks designed by IELTS gurus who have written and taught IELTS courses since this kind of test came into being in 198...

  • NV.7231- 21天征服新HSK高級語法-TT.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: 郑丽杰 [编著 ] (2012)

  • 21天征服新HSK高级语法》把学习过程分为21天(15天学习+3个周末复习),是新HSK语法课堂的生动再现:有课前预习指导,帮你归纳语法的重点和难点;有老师上课时的板书,用形象的图标帮助你理解并掌握繁复的语法点;还有贴近考试水平的训练题,供你反复演练,温故而知新。

  • km.868_0001.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Trần Việt Thanh (2003)

  • Giới thiệu các qui tắc học Kanji (loại chữ tượng hình) trong tiếng Nhật, qui tắc tạo thành Kanji và tìm hiểu mối quan hệ giữa âm Hán Việt với âm On của Kanji trong tiếng Nhật

  • TVS.001683- 301 cau dam thoai tieng Hoa_1.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Trần Văn Giới (2004)

  • Khái lược về ngữ âm và chữ viết của tiếng Trung Quốc. Các chữ viết tập theo bộ thủ, Các bài tập và đáp án cùng 301 câu đàm thoại

  • TVS.001706- 350 bai tap so cap tieng phap_1.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: J. Bary; I. Greaves (2013)

  • Giáo trình 350 bài tập sơ cấp tiếng Pháp - có hướng dẫn văn phạm kèm lời giải dành cho học viên khóa Văn minh Pháp Trường Đại học Sorbonne và các bạn tự học muốn nắm bắt, hiểu rõ về hệ thống văn phạm tiếng Pháp. Vì thế sách rất chú trọng đến những cấu trúc câu thông dụng. Mỗi chương được trình bày theo hệ thống như sau: vấn đề ngữ pháp được nghiên cứu thông qua các bài tập từ đơn giản tới phức tạp; kế tiếp là các bài tập mang tính tổng hợp nhằm giúp học viên thực nghiệm những hiểu biết của mình.