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  • Book

  • Authors: Ninh Kế Minh (2022)

  • Với 16 chương giải trí và phần phụ lục để hiểu rõ hơn về văn hóa và điều kiện đất nước của Trung Quốc. Cuốn sách dạy, trong số những thứ khác, quốc kỳ Trung Quốc, quốc huy và quốc ca Trung Quốc được giới thiệu. Tìm hiểu Bộ phận hành chính của Trung Quốc, Địa lý và Tài nguyên của Trung Quốc, Dân số, Dân tộc và Ngôn ngữ của Trung Quốc, Lịch sử Trung Quốc, Hệ thống chính trị của Trung Quốc

  • Book

  • Authors: - (2020)

  • 吴百福等主编的《进出口贸易实务教程》常销、热销20年,是我国高校普遍使用的有关进出口贸易实务的教材。本书以该书的框架结构为蓝本编写,为该书第八版配套习题集,在原有基础上更新了相关内容。习题内容的设计以课程核心知识为要点,注重实用性,挑选出较具代表性的知识点编写习题,帮助学生通过少而精的练习取得举一反三的效果。题型设计满足课程考核的需要,包括单项选择题、多项选择题、填空题、判断题、名词解释、简答题、案例分析题、操作题等,并配有参考答案

  • Book

  • Authors: - (2017)

  • Cuốn sách phù hợp với sinh viên quốc tế chuyên ngành tiếng Trung thương mại, bao gồm tất cả các khía cạnh của hoạt động kinh doanh của người nước ngoài tại Trung Quốc: thiết lập liên hệ, thương lượng, ký kết hợp đồng, phương thức thanh toán, kiểm tra hải quan, thỏa thuận đại lý, nền tảng trực tuyến cho kinh doanh quốc tế, v.v

  • Book

  • Authors: Shih-Fu Chang (2017)

  • This book, a revised version of the 2014 ACM Dissertation Award winning dissertation, proposes an architecture for cluster computing systems that can tackle emerging data processing workloads at scale. Whereas early cluster computing systems, like MapReduce, handled batch processing, our architecture also enables streaming and interactive queries, while keeping MapReduce's scalability and fault tolerance. And whereas most deployed systems only support simple one-pass computations (e.g., SQL queries), ours also extends to the multi-pass algorithms required for complex analytics like machine learning. Finally, unlike the specialized systems proposed for some of these workloads, our architecture allows these computations to be combined, enabling rich new applications that intermix, for...

  • Book

  • Authors: Priya Seetharaman (2019)

  • This volume examines a range of topics for those interested in the adoption and use of these technologies across varied situations. It combines empirical studies on the application and impact of IS with commentaries, debates and insights on the transformative role that IT and the IT industry have played, and continue to play, within India as well as globally.

  • Book

  • Authors: Robert Bringhurst (2004)

  • Renowned typographer and poet Robert Bringhurst brings clarity to the art of typography with this masterful style guide. Combining practical, theoretical, and historical, this book is a must for graphic artists, editors, or anyone working with the printed page using digital or traditional methods.

  • Book

  • Authors: Steve Wright (2006)

  • This book presents you with tips, tricks and techniques for dealing with the badly shot elements, color artifacts, and mismatched lighting that bedevil compositors. Included in this book is: in-depth, practical methods for bluescreen matte extraction, despill operations, compositing operations, and color correction-the "meat and potatoes" of all digital effects.

  • Book

  • Authors: - (2012)

  • From well-known design leaders, new design firms, and cutting-edge artists, this collection includes everything identity, from logos to labels, business cards to envelopes, and the creative techniques and full-color images portrayed in this broad range of work will inspire new design solutions for age-old challenges that beg for a fresh approach. This book is an invaluable resource for both design firms and their clients who are looking for inspiration and ideas that grab the viewer's attention and create a lasting impression.

  • Book

  • Authors: Rafael C. Gonzalez; Richard E. Woods (2002)

  • This edition is the most comprehensive revision of Digital Image Processing since the book first appeared in 1977.As the 1977 and 1987 editions by Gonzalez and Wintz,and the 1992 edition by Gonzalez and Woods,the present edition was prepared with students and instructors in mind.Thus,the principal objectives of the book continue to be to provide an introduction to basic concepts and methodologies for digital image processing,and to develop a foundation that can be used as the basis for further study and research in this field.To achieve these objectives, we again focused on material that we believe is fundamental and has a scope of application that is not limited to the solution of specialized problems.The mathematical complexity of the book remains at a level well within the grasp ...

  • Book

  • Authors: Tom Sito (2011)

  • A classic of animation education since it first published in 1981. For more than 25 years, copies of Timing for Animation have been sitting dog-eared and spine-split on desks and workstations around the world wherever animation is produced. All you need to breathe life into your animation is at your fingertips.