Item Infomation

Title: Managerial economics
Authors: William F. Samuelson
Keywords: Managerial economics | Decision making | BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Economics / Microeconomics | Kinh tế quản lý | Kinh tế vi mô
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Wiley
Abstract: The 7th Edition of Managerial Economics continues to provide real-world examples and necessary decision-making skills for making thoughtful and advantageous managerial decisions. Samuelson & Marks build on their strong behavioral coverage to better target this current and "hot topic" in business.This new edition includes general updates and revisions throughout including updated sections on behavioral economics, game theory, and price theory, and new problems for every chapter. The authors improve on existing content and integrate more of this content throughout. The biggest section is on the interface between public and private. The text integrates theory with extensive real-world applications throughout which makes it more accessible. The presentations begin simply and are progressively applied to more and more challenging applications
Appears in CollectionsKinh tế - Quản lý




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