Item Infomation

Title: Design of Modern Communication Networks : Methods and Applications .
Authors: Christofer Larsson
Keywords: Computer networks | Mạng máy tính | Mạng truyền thông | Thiết kế mạng
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: The book discusses the nature and complexity of the network design process, then introduces theoretical concepts, problems and solutions. It demonstrates the design of network topology and traditional loss networks, followed by uncontrolled packet networks, flow-controlled networks, and multiservice networks. Access network design is reviewed, and the book concludes by considering the design of survivable (reliable) networks and various reliability concepts. A toolbox of algorithms: The book provides practical advice on implementing algorithms, including the programming aspects of combinatorial algorithms. Extensive solved problems and illustrations: Wherever possible, different solution methods are applied to the same examples to compare performance and verify precision and applicability. Technology-independent: Solutions are applicable to a wide range of network design problems without relying on particular technologies.
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