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  • TVS.000680. Steven Kay - Intuitive Probability and Random Processes using MATLAB  -Springer (2005)-1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Steven M. Kay (2005)

  • Intuitive Probability and Random Processes using MATLAB® is an introduction to probability and random processes that merges theory with practice. Based on the author’s belief that only "hands-on" experience with the material can promote intuitive understanding, the approach is to motivate the need for theory using MATLAB examples, followed by theory and analysis, and finally descriptions of "real-world" examples to acquaint the reader with a wide variety of applications. The latter is intended to answer the usual question "Why do we have to study this?"

  • TVS.004846_(European Yearbook of International Economic Law) Rhea Tamara Hoffmann, Markus Krajewski - Coherence and Divergence in Services Trade Law-S-1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Rhea Tamara Hoffmann (2022)

  • This book addresses topical questions concerning the legal framework of trade in services, and assesses how these issues are dealt with in GATS and in selected preferential trade agreements. In addition, the chapters discuss whether the differences and similarities (if any) are evidence of greater coherence or greater divergence. The book combines the individual analyses to provide a more comprehensive picture of the current law on services trade liberalisation.

  • TVS.004848_(Elgar Advanced Introductions) Michael J. Trebilcock and Joel Trachtman - Advanced Introduction to International Trade Law-Edward Elgar Pub-1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Michael J. Trebilcock (2020)

  • Interdisciplinary in nature, this second edition will be an indispensable guide for students in law, economics, political science and international relations. Comprehensive and accessible, it will be essential reading for non-specialist scholars and policy advisors seeking to further their understanding of international trade law

  • TVS.004849_(Collected Courses of the Xiamen Academy of International Law) Chia-Jui Cheng - A New Global Economic Order_ New Challenges to Internationa-1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Chia-Jui Cheng (2022)

  • A New Global Economic Order: New Challenges to International Trade Law examines the dislocating effects of the policies implemented by the Trump Administration on the global economic order and brings together leading scholars and practitioners of international economic law come together to defend multilateralism against unilateralism and populism.

  • TVS.004850_(Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law) Ines Willemyns - Digital Services in International Trade Law ()-Cambridge University Press-1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Ines Willemyns (2021)

  • Part of the confusion surrounding digital services trade specifically, but also e-commerce in general, is caused by the fact that digital trade comes with its own terminology, which is often unfamiliar to the average trade lawyer. Not only does the WTO itself not make use of the term 'digital services', other terms have popped up in the debate without Members reaching consensus on their meaning. Such terms include: 'digital platforms', 'digital product', 'digital content', 'data' and 'data flows'. I will analyse these terms and determine their position in relation to the definition of digital services as used in this book

  • TVS.004851_(Global Trade Law (Book 51)) Julien Chaisse and Jiaxiang Hu - International Economic Law and the Challenges of the Free Zones (Global Trade-1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Jiaxiang Hu; Julien Chaisse (2019)

  • This book, the first to provide a critical and comprehensive analysis of SEZs covering a wide spectrum of countries and regions, shows how SEZs, albeit established at the domestic level by different countries, raise multiple legal issues under international economic law.

  • TVS.004853_(2019)-1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Graeme Baber. (2019)

  • This book considers the structure of the World Trade Organization’s agreements and the types of preferential trade arrangements, and deliberates the value of the latter in the light of the operation of the former. Preferential Trade Agreements and International Law offers a comprehensive examination of preferential trade agreements and considers the features of specific regional and bilateral trade agreements without drawing upon systematic features and trends.

  • TVS.004854_(Studies in International Trade and Investment Law) Ming Du - The Regulation of Product Standards in World Trade Law-Hart Publishing (2020)-1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Ming Du (2020)

  • This monograph has two central purposes. The first is to provide a critical analysis of how governmental, private and hybrid product standards are regulated in the GATT/WTO legal framework. The second purpose is to explore - both positively and normatively - the impact that WTO disciplines may have on the composition, function and decision-making process of various standard-setting bodies through the lens of a series of selected case studies, including: the EU eco-labelling scheme; ISO standards; and private standards such as GlobalGAP. The book analyses what role, if any, the WTO may play in making product standards applied in international trade embody not only technological superio...

  • TVS.004855_(Studies in International Trade and Investment Law) Anil Yilmaz Vastardis - The Nationality of Corporate Investors under International Inve-1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Anil Yilmaz Vastardis (2020)

  • This monograph offers a detailed and distinctive analysis of corporate nationality under international investment law, covering the ICSID Convention and the investment treaty framework. It takes the reader back to the basics threading through the concepts of jurisdiction, nationality, and corporate personality to give a clear context to the discussion of corporate nationality under international investment law, at a time when international investment is dominated by multinational business enterprises operating in a globalised economy. The book examines different understandings of corporate personality and nationality under a selection of major jurisdictions and public international la...

  • TVS.004856_(Routledge Research in International Economic Law) Zhiqiong June Wang, Jianfu Chen - International Trade Regulation_ Evolving Dynamics and -1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Jianfu Chen; Zhiqiong June Wang (2023)

  • This book attempts to fill this research gap by building upon the existing scholarship and placing the various tensions and conflicts in a perspective that treats them as dynamic factors that have propelled a continuing process of evolution of the international trade regulation.

  • TVS.004857_(Studies in International Trade and Investment Law) Jean Ho (editor), Mavluda Sattorova (editor) - Investors’ International Law-Hart Publis-1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Jean Ho; Mavluda Sattorova (2021)

  • This book is the first book-length analysis of investor accountability under general and customary international law, international human rights law, international environmental law, international humanitarian law, as well as international investment law. International investment law is currently facing growing criticisms for its failure to address corruption, abuse, environmental damage, and other forms of investor misconduct. Reform initiatives range from the rejection of international law as a governing regime for investors, to the dramatic overhaul of investment treaties that supposedly enable investor overprotection, to the creation of a multilateral international instrument that...

  • TVS.004858_(Studies In European And International Economic Law _ 28) Tobias Naef - Data Protection Without Data Protectionism_ The Right To Protection-1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Tobias Naef (2023)

  • This open access book offers a new account on the legal conflict between privacy and trade in the digital sphere. It develops a fundamental rights theory with a new right to continuous protection of personal data and explores the room for the application of this new right in trade law. Replicable legal analysis and practical solutions show the way to deal with cross-border data flows without violating fundamental rights and trade law principles.

  • TVS.004859_(Studies in European Economic Law and Regulation 19) Csongor István Nagy - World Trade and Local Public Interest_ Trade Liberalization and -1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Csongor István Nagy (2020)

  • The purpose of this volume is to contribute to filling the above-mentioned research gap by exploring central issues in regional economic integrations from a comparative perspective. It provides a general economic analysis of the costs and benefits of trade liberalization and the role and function of normative values in commercial policy.

  • TVS.004860_Carr, Indira_ Stone, Peter - International trade law-Routledge (2018)-1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Peter Stone; Indira Carr (2018)

  • International Trade Law offers a clear overview of the complexities of an international sale transaction through informed analysis of case law, legislation, and international conventions and rules. Fully updated with changes to the law and new directions in legal debate

  • TVS.004861_James Crawford - Brownlie’s Principles of Public International Law-Oxford University Press (2012)-1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: James Crawford (2012)

  • This is the eighth edition of Sir Ian Brownlie's classic distillation of public international law. Serving as a single volume introduction to the field as a whole, the book seeks to present international law as a system that is based on, and helps structure, relations among states and other entities at the international level. It aims to identify the constituent elements of that system in a clear and accessible fashion.

  • TVS.004862_Halliday, Terence C - Global Legislators_ How International Organizations Make Trade Law for the World-Cambridge University Press (2017)-1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Terence C. Halliday; Susan Block-Lieb (2017)

  • The book investigates three episodes of lawmaking between the late 1990s and 2012. Through its original socio-legal orientation, it reveals dynamics of competition, cooperation and competitive cooperation within and between international organizations, including the UN, World Bank, IMF and UNIDROIT, as these IOs craft international laws.

  • TVS.001441_Luat kinh te- Nguyen Huu Vien (2001) _1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Nguyễn Hữu Viện (2001)

  • Đề cập đến các vấn đề như: Địa vị pháp lý của cơ quan quản lý nhà nước về kinh tế. Pháp luật về doanh nghiệp. Hợp đồng kinh tế. Quy chế pháp lý về sử dụng lao động trong kinh doanh ....