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  • Bài báo/Newspaper

  • Authors: Bruce W. Clements (2016)

  • This chapter describes the potential public health impact of emerging and reemerging disease. Factors contributing to the emergence of diseases include increasing international travel and commerce, changes in human demographics and behavior, advances in technology and industry, microbial adaptation and the breakdown of public health systems. Of emerging diseases, 60% are zoonotic, making the human–animal biome interaction critical

  • Bài báo/Newspaper

  • Authors: Donna Behler McArthur (2019)

  • Emerging infectious diseases (EID) are defined as infectious diseases that are newly recognized in a population or have existed but are rapidly increasing in incidence or geographic range. Simply put, they may be new infections resulting from changes or evolution of existing organisms, known infections spreading to new geographic areas or populations, previously unrecognized infections appearing in areas undergoing ecologic transformation, or old infections reemerging because of antimicrobial resistance in known agents or breakdowns in public health measures.1, 2 Emerging infections account for at least 15% of all human pathogens according to the 10th International Conference on EID.3 A major concern is the synergistic communication between emerging diseases and other infectious and...

  • Bài báo/Newspaper

  • Authors: Camilla Rothe (2016)

  • Travelers are an important factor in the global dissemination of EIDs due to the increased frequency and speed of both local and international travel. International travelers may have been in direct or indirect contact with previously isolated, remote populations and ecosystems. The challenge is that travelers returning home may harbor exotic infections that are still in the incubation stage