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  • TVS.003623.Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield, Bradford D. Jordan, Gordon S. Roberts - Fundamentals of Corporate Finance-McGraw-Hill Ryerson (20-TT.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Stephen A. Ross (2013)

  • Fundamentals of Corporate Finance continues its tradition of excellence as a market leader. Known for its approach, Ross focuses on three powerful ideas which are integrated throughout -- emphasis on intuition, unified valuation approach, and managerial emphasis giving students a solid foundation in business and finance. The 8 Edition has been updated to provide current, real world examples, and a wealth of new problem material.

  • TVS.003622.Stephen A. Ross, Randolph Westerfield, Bradford D. Jordan - Fundamentals of Corporate Finance-McGraw-Hill Education (2018)-TT.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Stephen A Ross (2019)

  • The Twelfth Edition continues the tradition of excellence that has earned Fundamentals of Corporate Finance its status as market leader. McGraw-Hill's adaptive learning component, LearnSmart, provides assignable modules that help students master chapter core concepts and come to class more prepared.