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  • TVS.004854_(Studies in International Trade and Investment Law) Ming Du - The Regulation of Product Standards in World Trade Law-Hart Publishing (2020)-1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Ming Du (2020)

  • This monograph has two central purposes. The first is to provide a critical analysis of how governmental, private and hybrid product standards are regulated in the GATT/WTO legal framework. The second purpose is to explore - both positively and normatively - the impact that WTO disciplines may have on the composition, function and decision-making process of various standard-setting bodies through the lens of a series of selected case studies, including: the EU eco-labelling scheme; ISO standards; and private standards such as GlobalGAP. The book analyses what role, if any, the WTO may play in making product standards applied in international trade embody not only technological superio...