Browsing by Author Jerry Zeyu Gao

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  • TVS.001198- Jerry Zeyu Gao H.-S. Jacob Tsao Ye Wu - Testing and Quality Assurance for Component-Based Software (Artech House Computer Library.) (2003)_1.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Jerry Zeyu Gao (2003)

  • Presenting the state-of-the-art in component-based software testing, this new, cutting-edge resource offers you an in-depth understanding of the current issues, challenges, needs, and solutions in this critical area. The book discusses the very latest advances in component-based testing and quality assurance in an accessible tutorial format, making the material easy to comprehend and benefit from no matter what your professional level. The book clearly explains what component-based software testing is, why it is important, and how it differs from traditional software testing. From an introduction to software components, testing component-based software, and validation methods for soft...