Browsing by Author Eva M. Fernández

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  • TVS.001790- NV.7605-Fundamentals of psycholinguistics_1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Eva M. Fernández; Helen Smith Cairns (2011)

  • Introducing the fundamental issues in psycholinguistics, this book explores the amazing story of the unconscious processes that takeplace when humans use language. It is an ideal text forunder graduates taking a first course in the study of language. Topics covered include the biological foundations of language;acquisition of first and second languages in children and adults;the mental lexicon; and speech production, perception, andprocessing Structured as an engaging narrative that takes the reader froman idea in the mind of a speaker to its comprehension in the mindof the hearer Reflects the latest empirical developments inpsycholinguistics, and is illustrated throughout with exampl...