Item Infomation

Title: Lean transportation management : using logistics as a strategic differentiator
Authors: Mohamed Achahchah.
Keywords: Business logistics | Shipment of goods | Quy trình quản lý vận tải | Vận chuyển hàng hóa
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: This book provides an overview of the key transportation management processes from a shipper’s perspective. It enables managers to gain quick insight in the added value of transportation as a strategic differentiator, its key drivers, and guidelines on how to use them in an effective and efficient decision-making process. It explains how to identify and eliminate waste using basic Lean tools and proven concepts. The reader is guided on how to start implementing the Lean methodology and best practices in the industry to realize significant savings.
Appears in CollectionsLogistics - Truyền thông đa phương tiện




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  • TVS.001292_Achahchah, Mohamed - Lean transportation management_ using logistics as a strategic differentiator-Taylor _ Francis (2019).pdf
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