Item Infomation

Title: Neurovascular Surgery
Other Titles: Surgical Approaches for Neurovascular Diseases
Authors: Julius July
Keywords: Bệnh thần kinh | Phẫu thuật thần kinh | Chẩn đoán | Điều trị | Chăm sóc theo dõi sau phẫu thuật
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: This open access book presents the diagnosis, investigation and treatment of neurovascular diseases, and offers expert opinions and advice on avoiding complications in neurovascular surgery. It also covers complication management and post-operative follow-up care. The book is divided in to three parts; the first part discusses common approaches in neurovascular surgery, describing the steps, indications for and limitations of the approach, as well as the associated complications and how to avoid them. The second part addresses surgical treatment based on pathology, taking the different locations of lesions into consideration. The third part focuses on the technological developments that support neurovascular surgery, which may not be available everywhere, but have been included to help vascular surgeon understand the principles.
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