Item Infomation

Title: Critical thinking for Students: Learn the Skills for Analysing, Evaluating and Producing Arguments
Authors: Roy van den Brink-Budgen
Keywords: Mã học phần AE350, Critical Thinking | Tư duy phản biện | Students | Sinh viên | Phân tích hiệu quả | Effective Analysis
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: Critical Thinking is an exciting subject because it will change your thinking by showing you all sorts of possibilities, all sorts of ways of looking at things. It will encourage you to ask lots of questions. What does this mean? What more do I need to know? What’s the problem with what that person has said? You don’t need someone to bellow ‘key point’ at you, when you’re asking and answering questions like these. You’ll just experience the fizz of it all when you do. This book continues in the tradition of its earlier editions. Though it’s been completely rewritten, the promise of the book is the same. If you read this book, you’ll be much more skilful in how you think. Much more. You’ll have thoughts about such things as these, as well as other significant things.
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