Item Infomation

Title: Educational Psychology: Developing Learners
Authors: Jeanne Ellis Ormrod
Keywords: Mã học phần PS330, Educational Psychology | Tâm lý giáo dục | Developing Learners | Phát triển người học
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Pearson Education Limited
Abstract: In this ninth edition of Educational Psychology: Developing Learners, I’m pleased to welcome my fellow educational psychologists Eric and Lynley Anderman as coauthors. More specifically, Eric and Lynley have overhauled Chapter 11 and also brought their perspectives to Chapters 4, 5, 10, and 13. Many features that have made previous editions of the book so popular with instructors and students remain in this edition, including a conversational writing style, Experiencing Firsthand features, organizational tables and diagrams, and an ongoing emphasis on classroom applications. Yet there are also significant changes. As always, all 15 chapters have been updated to reflect recent advances in research, theory, and classroom practices.
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