Item Infomation

Title: Unsupervised learning in space and time : a modern approach for computer vision using graph-based techniques and deep neural networks
Authors: Marius Leordeanu
Keywords: Computer Vision | Neural networks | Graph-based techniques | Mạng nơron | Kỹ thuật dựa trên đồ thị
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: This book addresses one of the most important unsolved problems in artificial intelligence: the task of learning, in an unsupervised manner, from massive quantities of spatiotemporal visual data that are available at low cost. The book covers important scientific discoveries and findings, with a focus on the latest advances in the field. Presenting a coherent structure, the book logically connects novel mathematical formulations and efficient computational solutions for a range of unsupervised learning tasks, including visual feature matching, learning and classification, object discovery, and semantic segmentation in video.
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