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  • Authors: Sathaye, Avinash (2018)

  • This book represents a significant departure from the current crop of commercialcollege algebra textbooks. In our view, the core material for the (non-remedial)courses defined by these tomes is but a shadow of that traditionally covered materialin a reasonable high school program. Moreover, much of the material is substantiallyrepeated from earlier study and it proceeds at a slow pace with extensive practice anda large number of routine exercises. As taught, such coursestend to be ill-advisedattempts to prepare the student for extensive calculationsusing calculators, withsupposed “real life” examples offered for motivation and practice. Given the limitedtime and large number of individual topics to study, the average student emerges,perhaps, with the ability to answer isolated quest...

  • Book

  • Authors: Nancy Duarte (2018)

  • Hướng dẫn những cách tạo lập slide, lập biểu đồ, trình bày dữ liệu; cách thiết kế và bố trí các yếu tố của slide, sử dụng phông nền, màu sắc, chữ viết hay hình ảnh; cách tạo chuyển động và quản lý bằng các thiết kế mẫu, tương tác với slide...

  • Book

  • Authors: Joel D. Wisner (2018)

  • This book guides you step-by-step through the management of all supply chain activity. You review issues related to both domestic and global supply chains as comprehensive, one-of-a-kind coverage encompasses important processes in operations, purchasing, logistics, as well as process integration. A balanced approach follows the natural flow through the supply chain. Well-organized chapters demonstrate the practical applications of supply chain management in today's workplace with the help of intriguing SCM Profiles and interesting real business examples. Relevant end-of-chapter questions, problems, and new cases help you put what you learn into practice as you sharpen your management skills.

  • Book

  • Authors: Elizabeth Harrin (2018)

  • This book is a highly accessible guide to being a project manager (PM), particularly a project manager working within an IT field. The role is set out with reference to required skills, competencies and responsibilities. Tools, methods and techniques for project managers are covered, including Agile approaches; risk, issue and change management processes; best practices for managing stakeholders and financial management.