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Báo, tạp chí quốc tế (9)

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  • 7. Emerging Infectious Diseases.pdf.jpg
  • Bài báo/Newspaper

  • Authors: Donna Behler McArthur (2019)

  • Emerging infectious diseases (EID) are defined as infectious diseases that are newly recognized in a population or have existed but are rapidly increasing in incidence or geographic range. Simply put, they may be new infections resulting from changes or evolution of existing organisms, known infections spreading to new geographic areas or populations, previously unrecognized infections appearing in areas undergoing ecologic transformation, or old infections reemerging because of antimicrobial resistance in known agents or breakdowns in public health measures.1, 2 Emerging infections account for at least 15% of all human pathogens according to the 10th International Conference on EID.3...

  • 8. Emerging & Reemerging ID threats.pdf.jpg
  • Bài báo/Newspaper

  • Authors: Bruce W. Clements (2016)

  • This chapter describes the potential public health impact of emerging and reemerging disease. Factors contributing to the emergence of diseases include increasing international travel and commerce, changes in human demographics and behavior, advances in technology and industry, microbial adaptation and the breakdown of public health systems. Of emerging diseases, 60% are zoonotic, making the human–animal biome interaction critical

  • 7. Emerging Infectious Diseases.pdf.jpg
  • Bài báo/Newspaper

  • Authors: Camilla Rothe (2016)

  • Travelers are an important factor in the global dissemination of EIDs due to the increased frequency and speed of both local and international travel. International travelers may have been in direct or indirect contact with previously isolated, remote populations and ecosystems. The challenge is that travelers returning home may harbor exotic infections that are still in the incubation stage

  • 6. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).pdf.jpg
  • Bài báo/Newspaper

  • Authors: Alexander Hodgens (2023)

  • A new and rapidly progressive respiratory syndrome termed severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was identified by the World health organization (WHO) in the Guangdong province of China as a global threat in March of 2003. SARS went on to spread globally over the following months to over 30 countries and became the 1st pandemic of the 21st century. It showed that the dissemination of an infectious microbe could be drastically increased in the era of globalization and increased international travel. The decade preceding the SARS outbreak featured the emergence of multiple novel pathogens, including H5N1 influenza, Hantavirus, Nipah virus, and Avian flu

  • BBTL.0000017_The factors affecting technology.pdf.jpg
  • Bài báo/Newspaper

  • Authors: Phuong Thi Nguyen (2019)

  • The purpose of this paper is to identify variables and their effects on the value of technology transaction according to technology demand approach in Vietnam technology market, by testing the hypotheses including the effects of technology absorption capacity, internal research and development (R&D) productivity of firms and difficulties in external infrastructure on technology demand.

  • BBTL.0000016_Resource misallocation of SMEs in Vietnamese manufacturing sector.pdf.jpg
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  • Authors: Phuong Thi Nguyen (2018)

  • The purpose of this paper is to examine resource misallocation among Vietnam’s small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the manufacturing sector. The paper also aims to consider selective factors on reducing the level of resource misallocation in SMEs.

  • BBTL.0000015_Nguyễn Khắc Minh trang 339-352.pdf.jpg
  • Bài báo/Newspaper

  • Authors: Nguyen Khac Minh (2017)

  • Productivity convergence between contriens and regions has been extensively studied with mixed results. Much of this litetature focuses on the macro-level data. This study uses Vietnam's annual enterprise survey data from 2000 to 2013 and a varying coefficient stochastic technology frontier framework to assess convergence among the manufacturing firms.

  • BBTL.0000014_Misallocation and reallocation of resources in Vietnamese manufacturing firms.pdf.jpg
  • Bài báo/Newspaper

  • Authors: Phuong Thi Nguyen (2018)

  • This research identifies the level of misallocation in Vietnamese manufacturing sector for the period 2000–2015. Meltiz and Polanec dynamic productivity decomposition is used to compare the relative productivity contributions from surviving, entering and exiting firms to aggregate productivity change by the type of ownership. Heckman's two-step model is used to examine the effect of misallocation and industry- and firm-level factors on entry or exit decision and market share of firms in Vietnamese manufacturing sector.

  • BBTL.0000013_Tran Thị Thuy Linh trang 295-309.pdf.jpg
  • Bài báo/Newspaper

  • Authors: Nghi Phan Huu (2021)

  • Step by step, Vietnam’s aim to develop the government’s integrity and actions for their citizens and corporations is being realized. One of the most important steps in reforming tax administration services is reducing corporations’ times when they are performing their tax duties (according to the Department of Central Economic Management, the time was 482 h/year in 2018, according to WB was 770 h/year in 2017). Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City’s tax revenues have accounted for 50% of the total ones, therefore tax administrative innovations often start from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. There is a need for the conception that taxpayers are customers of tax authorities. So in Hanoi, how do corp...