Item Infomation

Title: GARCH models : structure, statistical inference and financial applications
Authors: Christian Francq
Jean-Michel Zakoian
Keywords: Finance | Investments | Thống kê | Tài chính
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Wiley
Abstract: Features up-to-date coverage of the current research in the probability, statistics, and econometric theory of GARCH models Covers significant developments in the field, especially in multivariate models Contains completely renewed chapters with new topics and results Handles both theoretical and applied aspects Applies to researchers in different fields (time series, econometrics, finance) Includes numerous illustrations and applications to real financial series Presents a large collection of exercises with corrections Supplemented by a supporting website featuring R codes, Fortran programs, data sets and Problems with corrections GARCH Models, 2nd Edition is an authoritative, state-of-the-art reference that is ideal for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners in business and finance seeking to broaden their skills of understanding of econometric time series models.
Appears in Collections1-Kinh tế - Quản lý




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