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dc.contributor.authorPaul Kockelman-
dc.description.abstractThis book helps resolve this dilemma. Informed by brain and mind sciences, its core message is that language and culture learning can both be seen as a single, interrelated process—the embodiment of dynamic systems of meaning into the intuitive mind. This deep learning process is detailed in the form of the Developmental Model of Linguaculture Learning (DMLL). Grounded in dynamic skill theory, the DMLL describes four developmental levels of language and culture learning, which represents a subtle, yet important shift in language and culture pedagogy. Rather than asking how to add culture into language education, we should be seeking ways to make language and culture learning deeper—more integrated, embodied, experiential and transformational. This book provides a theoretical approach, including practical examples, for doing
dc.publisherCambridge University Pressvi
dc.subjectMã học phần AE417 | Language and culture | Ngôn ngữ và văn hóavi
dc.titleLanguage, culture, and mind : natural constructions and social kindsvi
Appears in CollectionsNgôn ngữ Anh

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  • TVS.001048- Paul Kockelman (2010), Language, Culture and Mind. Cambridge University Press.pdf
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