Item Infomation

Title: Research Methodology
Other Titles: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners
Authors: Ranjit Kumar
Keywords: Mã học phần SM421 |Tiếng Anh | Phương pháp nghiên cứu
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: London: SAGE Publications
Abstract: This book integrates various quantitative and qualitative methodologies into eight practice-based-steps, providing lots of examples throughout to link theory with practice. Written specifically for students with no previous experience of research and research methodology, the writing style is simple and clear and the author presents this complex subject in a straightforward way that empowers readers to tackle research with confidence. The book has been revised and updated to include extended coverage of qualitative research methods in addition to existing comprehensive coverage of quantitative methods. There are also brand new learning features such as reflective questions throughout the text to help students consolidate their knowledge.
Appears in CollectionsNgôn ngữ Anh




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  • TVS.000006. Ranjit Kumar - Research Methodology_ A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners-SAGE Publications Ltd (2010).pdf
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