Tìm kiếm

Kết quả tìm kiếm

Hiện thị kết quả từ 41 đến 42 của 42
Tài liệu phù hợp với tiêu chí tìm kiếm:
  • Sách/Book

  • Tác giả : Julie Sedivy (2014)

  • This new book provides a broad, introductory survey to psycholinguistics that will remain relevant to students whether or not they continue on in the field. Language in Mind addresses important questions and approaches, reflecting a variety of theoretical orientations and viewpoints and provoking a sense of curiosity about language and the structures in the mind and brain that give rise to it. Intriguing stories--presented in an accessible, energetic writing style--set the stage with a question; students then work through a series of theoretical refinements and counterarguments, guided through these unfolding stories with the help of suggested classroom demonstrations and activities. The result is a creative, pleasurable, and deep level of engagement by the student. Throughout, the ...