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  • Book

  • Authors: Kumar Rai, Shiba (1996)

  • Medical Parasitology is primarily intended to be an illustrated textbook which provides a review ofthe most important species ofparasite which occur in man; their areas ofdistribution, morphology and development, the typical disease symptoms resulting from infection, epidemiology and also methods of detection and indications for therapy. The main emphasis is on the protozoan and helmin­ thic diseases; medical entomology has only been covered in connection with the epidemiology of the diseases described here.

  • Book

  • Authors: Janice M. Morse (1996)

  • This practical "how to" book should be useful reading for all student and practising nurses undertaking health research. This book should also be of interest to students of nursing, health managers and professionals involved in health research.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: H.-J. Zimmermann (1996)

  • Fuzzy Set Theory - And Its Applications, Third Edition is a textbook for courses in fuzzy set theory. It can also be used as an introduction to the subject. The character of a textbook is balanced with the dynamic nature of the research in the field by including many useful references to develop a deeper understanding among interested readers.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Willy Pogány (1996)

  • One of the most popular drawing guides ever published, The Art of Drawing has been an informative and thorough guide to several generations of aspiring artists. For fifty years, Willy Pogany has given the main principles of drawing in a simple, constructive way. By following the sequences laid out in the lessons, students quickly master the art of drawing. As a further aid, Pogany gives a complete anatomical description of the body for each section, including a list of all bones and a description of the muscles and their uses. The Art of Drawing provides a complete drawing system and includes hundreds of illustrations.