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  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: H.-J. Zimmermann (1996)

  • Fuzzy Set Theory - And Its Applications, Third Edition is a textbook for courses in fuzzy set theory. It can also be used as an introduction to the subject. The character of a textbook is balanced with the dynamic nature of the research in the field by including many useful references to develop a deeper understanding among interested readers.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Neal Koblitz (1998)

  • From the reviews: "This is a textbook in cryptography with emphasis on algebraic methods. It is supported by many exercises (with answers) making it appropriate for a course in mathematics or computer science. [...] Overall, this is an excellent expository text, and will be very useful to both the student and researcher." Mathematical Reviews

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Willy Pogány (1996)

  • One of the most popular drawing guides ever published, The Art of Drawing has been an informative and thorough guide to several generations of aspiring artists. For fifty years, Willy Pogany has given the main principles of drawing in a simple, constructive way. By following the sequences laid out in the lessons, students quickly master the art of drawing. As a further aid, Pogany gives a complete anatomical description of the body for each section, including a list of all bones and a description of the muscles and their uses. The Art of Drawing provides a complete drawing system and includes hundreds of illustrations.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Christos H. Papadimitriou (1994)

  • The book is surprisingly self-contained, in that it develops all necessary mathematical prerequisites from such diverse fields as computability, logic, number theory, combinatorics and probability.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Lefevere, André (1992)

  • Arranged thematically around the main topics which recur over the centuries - power, poetics, universe of discourse, language, education - it contains texts previously unavailable in English, and translated here for the first time from classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Latin, from French and from German. As the first survey of its kind in both scope and selection it argues that translation commands a central position in the shaping of European literatures

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Partee, Barbara Hall (1990)

  • The section on algebra is presented with an emphasis on lattices as well as Boolean and Heyting algebras. Background for recent research in natural language semantics includes sections on lambda-abstraction and generalized quantifiers. Chapters on automata theory and formal languages contain a discussion of languages between context-free and context-sensitive and form the background for much current work in syntactic theory and computational linguistics. The many exercises not only reinforce basic skills but offer an entry to linguistic applications of mathematical concepts.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Larsen-Freeman, Diane (1991)

  • This book provides a synthesis of empirical findings on second and foreign language learning by children and adults, emphasising the design and execution of appropriate research.