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  • Book

  • Authors: Brian S. Yandell (1997)

  • Practical Data Analysis for Designed Experiments examines issues of comparing groups and sorting out factor effects and the consequences of imbalance and nesting, then works through more practical applications of the theory.

  • Book

  • Authors: Dimitri Bertsekas (1992)

  • This volume is designed to help professionals develop a deeper understanding of data networks and evolving integrated networks, and to explore today's various analysis and design tools.

  • Book

  • Authors: Kumar Rai, Shiba (1996)

  • Medical Parasitology is primarily intended to be an illustrated textbook which provides a review ofthe most important species ofparasite which occur in man; their areas ofdistribution, morphology and development, the typical disease symptoms resulting from infection, epidemiology and also methods of detection and indications for therapy. The main emphasis is on the protozoan and helmin­ thic diseases; medical entomology has only been covered in connection with the epidemiology of the diseases described here.

  • Book

  • Authors: Janice M. Morse (1996)

  • This practical "how to" book should be useful reading for all student and practising nurses undertaking health research. This book should also be of interest to students of nursing, health managers and professionals involved in health research.

  • Book

  • Authors: Hugh McKenna (1997)

  • Nursing theory is a major part of all nursing courses and nurses are encouraged to use theories in practice, but it is not always easy for the student to make a real connection between the two. Drawing on many years' experience of teaching and research, Hugh McKenna addresses the theory needs of both students and qualified staff.

  • Book

  • Authors: 三牧 陽子 (1996)

  • 本書は、日本語教授法について特に実践面に焦点を当てて書いたものです。本書では、日本語教育のコース・デザインから授業の実際、評価に至るまでのすべてを、理論と実践をできるだけ統合した形で提示するように工夫しました。特に、言語技能をどのように扱うかといった観点から、統合的な授業と特定の技能の養成を中心にした授業とを明確にし、何を目的にした授業かを常に意識することの重要性を強調し、全体を通して様々な角度から取り上げているのが、本書の特徴となっています。