Item Infomation

Title: Planning successful meetings and events : a take-charge assistant book
Authors: Ann J. Boehme
Keywords: Mã học phần TG311 | Meetings | Lập kế hoạch | Cuộc họp | Sự kiện
Issue Date: 1999
Publisher: New York : AMACOM
Abstract: Planning a meeting or event is no easy task. Just ask any of the administrative staffers who are increasingly being asked to do it. One minor mistake -- a plane ticket that doesn't arrive on time, not enough vegetarian meals at the luncheon, the wrong kind of audio/visual equipment -- can mean big trouble. Now this handy little how-to guide takes secretaries and assistants through the entire process step-by-step. From site selection and registration do's and don'ts to negotiating with vendors and food and beverage planning, this book gives them everything they need to get a meeting planned right.
Appears in Collections1-Truyền thông đa phương tiện




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