Item Infomation

Title: Visitor experience design
Authors: Noel Scott
Keywords: Tourism | Du lịch trải nghiệm
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: UK: CAB International
Abstract: Visitor Experience Design is the first book of its kind to examine best practice in creating and delivering exciting and memorable travel and visitation experiences from a cognitive psychological perspective - it opens the black box. The chapters draw on recent findings from cognitive psychology, cognitive science and neuroscience to provide a basis for a better understanding of the antecedents of a memorable experience, including: · The psychological process of the formation or creation of a visitor's experiences · Psychological aspects of tourism experiences such as attention, emotion, memory and mindfulness · Pre-stage experience: customer inputs such as knowledge, myths, values and memories from previous travel · On-site experience: co-creation processes · Post-stage experience: immediate and long term outcomes including happiness and well-being · Experience design cases
Appears in CollectionsThanh nhạc, du lịch, việt nam học




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