Item Infomation

Title: Garde-Manger
Authors: Chuck HugHes
Keywords: Du lịch | Ẩm thực | Garde Manger
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: USA. HarperCollins Publishers
Abstract: Chuck Hughes is the star of Food Network Canada’s and The Cooking Channel’s (US) "Chuck’s Day Off", a show featuring the charismatic chef cooking for friends and family on his day off at his Montreal restaurant, Garde-Manger. Fabulously energetic, fun and a skilled chef, Chuck definitely has star quality and "splash factor". His star is on the rise in the US, with his show airing there on the Cooking Channel, and his impressive win last spring on Iron Chef, beating none other than Bobby Flay. Chuck was also one of the competitors on the US Food Network’s Next Iron Chef: Super Chefs and last holiday season his first Christmas special aired, "Chuckmas.
Appears in CollectionsDu lịch




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