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  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Mercuro, Nicholas (2006)

  • The book remains true to the scope and aims of the first edition, but also takes account of the field's evolution. At the book's core is an expanded discussion of the Chicago school, Public Choice Theory, Institutional Law and Economics, and New Institutional Economics.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Carapezza Figlia, Gabriele (2023)

  • This book discusses prominent and controversial gender-related issues across the fields of family law, tort law, labour law, civil procedure law, ADR and private international law. An important critical assumption made by the authors is that the gender equality perspective has been largely neglected in several branches of private law, since scholars researching the intersection between gender and legal studies are mostly focused on public law and human rights law

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Krsti, Ivana (2023)

  • This book offers a new perspective on international law, which was, for centuries, male-dominant and gender-blind. However, this gender blindness has led to many injustices, the failure to recognize certain rights, and to impunity for serious crimes. The book examines the development of gender perspectives in various branches of international law, while also discussing and explaining certain universal standards.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Bobby Owsinski (2014)

  • Written with special emphasis on today's technology and the evolving marketplace, THE RECORDING ENGINEER'S HANDBOOK, THIRD EDITION, includes a complete overview of recording as it's done by most musicians and producers today--in the home studio.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Bossche, Peter van den (2021)

  • Three years have passed since the publication of the fourth edition of this book. During this time, the world of international trade law and policy has changed beyond recognition. In these times of populist anti-globalism, economic nationalism, trade protectionism and superpower geopolitical confrontation, the multilateral trading system and its principal institution, the WTO, are in crisis. The fifth edition of this book has been updated and revised to reflect the developments in WTO law and policy up to 1 August 2020

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Murray Forman (2004)

  • This newly expanded and revised second edition brings together the most important and up-to-date hip-hop scholarship in one comprehensive volume. Presented thematically, the selections address the history of hip-hop, identity politics of the "hip-hop nation," debates of "street authenticity," social movements and activism, aesthetics, technologies of production, hip-hop as a cultural industry, and much more

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Chester L. Alwes (2015)

  • "A History of Western Choral Music explores the various genres, important composers, and influential works essential to the development of the western choral tradition. Divided across two volumes, this comprehensive investigation moves from the Medieval period through the Avant-Garde." -- Publisher description.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: McBride, Nicholas J (2022)

  • The twin moral imperatives under which this edition was written are responsible for most of the new content in this edition, including seven completely new chapters, and also make this the best edition of Letters to a Law Student by a very long way; though this has been achieved without making this edition longer than the previous edition. Various other chapters have been completely rewritten, such as the chapters 'On doing the LNAT' and 'How to answer a problem question'. Other chapters have been updated to reflect Covid-driven innovations in the way universities deliver both education and exams to their students (which innovations may well outlast Covid-19), as well as changes in the rules governing how one qualifies to be a practising solicitor in the UK