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  • Book

  • Authors: Novack, Robert A (2018)

  • 9E equips you with a solid understanding of what is arguably the most critical and complex component of global supply chains. You learn the fundamental role and importance of transportation in companies and society as you study the complex environment of transportation service.

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  • Công ước này áp dụng đối với việc công nhận và thi hành các quyết định trọng tài được ban hành tại lãnh thổ của một Quốc gia khác với Quốc gia nơi có yêu cầu công nhận và thi hành quyết định trọng tài đó, xuất phát từ các tranh chấp giữa các thể nhân hay pháp nhân. Công ước còn được áp dụng cho những quyết định trọng tài không được coi là quyết định trong nước tại Quốc gia nơi việc công nhận và thi hành chúng được yêu cầu.

  • Book

  • Authors: Dominick Salvatore (2020)

  • This is the 13th edition of a text that has enjoyed a flattering market success, having been adopted by more than 700 colleges and universities throughout the United States, Canada, and other English-speaking countries. The text has also been translated into Chinese, French, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Serbian, Spanish, Russian, and other languages. All of the features that have made the previous editions of this text, one of the leading texts of International Economics in the United States and around the world, have been retained in the 12th edition. However, the content has been thoroughly updated and expanded to include many new significant topics and important recent developments

  • Book

  • Authors: Roderick Macdonald (2019)

  • This book also discusses the impact of China on the AEC. The book is a starting point for research into the region or into any member country, whether for academic or for business purposes. With over 170 tables and figures as well as an abundance of historical facts, the book offers data-based insights.

  • Book

  • Authors: Manuel Mora (2003)

  • This book, which we have titled Decision Making Support Systems: Achievements, Trends and Challenges for the New Decade, is an attempt to alleviate some of the confusion. Thus, this book aims to demystify DMSS by considering various phases involved in the development and mplementation of them. The book's mission is to present the core and state-of-the-art knowledge about decision making support systems (DMSS). In the process, we hope to: (a) provide a compendium of quality theoretical and applied papers on DMSS, (b) help diffuse scarce knowledge about effective methods and strategies for successfully designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating of DMSS, and (c) create an awareness among academicians and practitioners about the relevance of DMSS in the current complex and dyna...