Thông tin tài liệu

Nhan đề : Extensions and new developments in DEA
Tác giả : W.W. Cooper
Chủ đề : Technical inefficiency,; mix inefficiency; returns to scale
Năm xuất bản : 1996
Nhà xuất bản : Annals of Operations Research
Số tùng thư/báo cáo: ;66(1996)
Tóm tắt : The extensions, new developments and new interpretations for DEA covered in this paper include: (1) new measures of efficiency, (2) new models and (3) new ways of implement ing established models with new results and interpretations presented that include treat ments of "congestion", "returns-to-scale" and "mix" and "technical" inefficiencies and measures of efficiency that can be used to reflect all pertinent properties. Previously used models, such as those used to identify "allocative inefficiencies", are extended by means of "assurance region" approaches which are less demanding in their information require ments and underlying assumptions. New opportunities for research are identified in each section of this chapter. Sources of further developments and possible sources for further help are also suggested with references supplied to other papers that appear in this volume and which are summarily described in this introductory chapter.
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