Item Infomation

Title: Learning microeconometrics with R
Authors: Adams, Christopher P
Keywords: Microeconomics; Econometrics; Statistics
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC
Abstract: This book provides an introduction to the field of microeconometrics through the use of R. The focus is on applying current learning from the field to real world problems. It uses R to both teach the concepts of the field and show the reader how the techniques can be used. It is aimed at the general reader with the equivalent of a bachelor's degree in economics, statistics or some more technical field. It covers the standard tools of microeconometrics, OLS, instrumental variables, Heckman selection and difference in difference. In addition, it introduces bounds, factor models, mixture models and empirical Bayesian analysis"
Appears in Collections1-Kinh tế - Quản lý




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  • TVS.005497_TV_(The R Series) Christopher P. Adams - Learning Microeconometrics with R-CRC Press (2020).pdf
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