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  • Book

  • Authors: Annie Becker (2007)

  • Electronic Commerce: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications compiles a critical mass of top research nearly 300 chapters from upwards of 400 of the worlds leading experts to provide libraries with a landmark, four-volume reference to meet research needs in the many disciplines impacted by these far-reaching topics. The comprehensive range of covered topics includes mobile commerce, virtual enterprises, business-to-business applications, Web services, and enterprise methodologies.

  • Recording, musical

  • Authors: Wendy D. LeBorgne (2021)

  • The companion book The Vocal Athlete: Application and Technique for the Hybrid Singer, Second Edition is a practical array of vocal exercises and techniques described by experienced CCM vocal pedagogues. This book features access to a PluralPlus companion website with singing exercises to further enhance understanding of techniques and skills used in training these singers.

  • Book

  • Authors: Robert A. Wilson (1999)

  • This is a fully-searchable, complete text of The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (MITECS) Since the 1970s the cognitive sciences have offered multidisciplinary ways of understanding the mind and cognition. The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (MITECS) is a landmark, comprehensive reference work that represents the methodological and theoretical diversity of this changing field. At the core of the encyclopedia are 471 concise entries, from Acquisition and Adaptationism to Wundt and X-bar Theory. Each article, written by a leading researcher in the field, provides an accessible introduction to an important concept in the cognitive sciences, as well as references or further readings. Six extended essays, which collectively serve as a roadmap to the articles, provid...

  • Book

  • Authors: John Mangan (2016)

  • Includes bibliographical references and index. Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management, now in its third edition, provides essential reading for anybody studying SCM and logistics. Encompassing both practical and strategic perspectives, it takes a truly global perspective, recognising the transnational nature of logistics activities in today’s world.

  • Book

  • Authors: Project Management Institute (2020)

  • Developed within the framework of A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). Second Edition focuses on providing models for the project management profession in both plan-driven and change-driven adaptive (agile) life cycles. This practice standard describes the aspects of project estimating that are recognized as good practice on most projects most of the time and that are widely recognized and consistently applied

  • Book

  • Authors: Julia Rutherford Silvers (2004)

  • Professional Event Coordination examines the full event planning process and provides the tools and strategies to effectively procure, organize, implement, and monitor all the products, services, and service providers that will bring an event to life. After establishing each layer of the anatomy of an event, this in-depth guide covers: Event design, Project management techniques, Site selection development,Infrastructure services.

  • Book

  • Authors: Jay Heizer (2011)

  • This book presents a broad introduction to the field of operations in a realistic and practical manner, while offering the largest and most diverse collection of issues on the market. Problems found in the Tenth Edition contain ample support-found in the book's solved-problems and worked examples-to help readers better understand concepts important to today's operations management professionals. MyOMLab(TM) not included. Students, if MyOMLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyOMLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. MyOMLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning...

  • Book

  • Authors: Thomas R. Robinson (2015)

  • This book helps readers deal with the practical challenges that arise at the international level. * Understand the accounting mechanics behind financial reporting * Discover the differences between statements from around the world * Learn how each financial statement element affects securities valuation * Master analysis for clues into operations and risk characteristics Amid an uncertain global economic climate, in today's volatile international markets, the ability to effectively evaluate financial statements is a critical skill. Standards and conditions are continuously evolving, and investment professionals need a strong, up-to-date resource for the latest rules and best practices. International Financial Statement Analysis provides this and more, with clarity and expert advice....

  • Book

  • Authors: Thomas R. Robinson (2009)

  • This book will help you understand the mechanics of the accounting process, which is the foundation for financial reporting; comprehend the differences and similarities in income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements around the globe; and assess the implications for securities valuation of any financial statement element or transaction. Along the way, you'll also discover how different financial analysis techniques-such as ratio analysis and common-size financial statements-can provide valuable clues into a company's operations and risk characteristics.

  • Book

  • Authors: Harold Kerzner (2010)

  • With new and updated information on the latest developments in the field, Project Management Best Practices: Achieving Global Excellence, Second Edition offers a must-have window onto the issues—and their real-world solutions—facing corporate managers, project and team managers, engineers, project team members, and business consultants in today's global market.