Item Infomation

Title: The Satisfaction of Corporations When Using Tax Administrative Services: Proceeding in Hanoi—Vietnam
Authors: Nghi Phan Huu
Keywords: Tax administrative services; Satisfaction; Corporation; Tax
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd
Series/Report no.: Management for Sustainable and Inclusive Development in a Transforming Asia;295-309
Abstract: Step by step, Vietnam’s aim to develop the government’s integrity and actions for their citizens and corporations is being realized. One of the most important steps in reforming tax administration services is reducing corporations’ times when they are performing their tax duties (according to the Department of Central Economic Management, the time was 482 h/year in 2018, according to WB was 770 h/year in 2017). Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City’s tax revenues have accounted for 50% of the total ones, therefore tax administrative innovations often start from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. There is a need for the conception that taxpayers are customers of tax authorities. So in Hanoi, how do corporations think about tax administration services and what do tax administrative services need to complete to enhance the service quality?
ISBN: 9789811581946
Appears in CollectionsBáo, tạp chí quốc tế




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