Item Infomation

Title: Financial Accounting
Authors: Simeon Spiteri
Keywords: Kế toán tài chính | Kiểm soát kế toán | Đối chiếu ngân hàng
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Cambridge
Abstract: This book will appeal to individuals interested in developing their knowledge in financial accounting, including students sitting the Edexcel London exams, entrepreneurs and managers. It explains the process of recording transactions in depth by considering value added tax. The book adopts a practical approach, and highlights the main documents that lead to business transactions, while also describing accounting controls like bank reconciliation. In addition, the text addresses the main features and final accounts of different enterprises like sole trader, partnership, clubs and companies. Questions are provided at the end of each chapter in order to help the reader understand the main techniques shown here.
Appears in Collections1-Kinh tế - Quản lý




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  • TVS.001246_Simeon Spiteri - Financial Accounting_ From Its Basics to Financial Reporting and Analysis-Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2020).pdf
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