Item Infomation

Title: Management
Authors: Griffin, Ricky W
Keywords: Management | Sự quản lý
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: USA.: South-Western College Pub
Abstract: Gain a solid understanding of management and the power of innovation in the workplace with Griffin's MANAGEMENT, 11E. This dynamic book, known for its cutting edge research and memorable examples, takes a functional approach to the process of management with a focus on active planning, leading, organizing and controlling. This book's reader-friendly approach examines today's emerging management topics, from the impact of technology and importance of a green business environment to ethical challenges and the need to adapt in changing times. Using a proven successful balance of theory and practice, the author interweaves numerous new and popular cases and learning features as well as hundreds of well-researched examples to vividly demonstrate the importance of strong management to any type of organization.
Appears in Collections1-Kinh tế - Quản lý




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