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dc.contributor.authorCarol Ellison-
dc.description.abstractThe words "research paper" may send a chill down your spine. You're thinking about the hours of research and the days of writing ahead-and that's after wringing your hands about the topic! Never fear, this concise resource will guide you through the process step-by-step and make the experience painless. With veteran composition instructor Carol Ellison's advice, you'll be able to create a thought-provoking research paper that will get you the best possible grade!vi
dc.subjectMã học phần SM421 | Kỹ năng viết | Tiếng Anh | Nghiên cứu | Ngôn ngữvi
dc.titleMcGraw-Hill's Concise Guide to Writing Research Papersvi
Appears in CollectionsNgôn ngữ Anh

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