Item Infomation

Title: Writing a proposal for your dissertation
Other Titles: Guidelines and examples
Authors: Steven R. Terrell
Keywords: Mã học phần SM421 | Ngôn ngữ học thuật | Proposal writing in research | LANGUAGE
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: The encouraging book that has guided thousands of students step by step through crafting a strong dissertation proposal is now in a thoroughly revised second edition. It includes new guidance for developing methodology-specific problem statements, an expanded discussion of the literature review, coverage of the four-chapter dissertation model, and more. Terrell demonstrates how to write each chapter of the proposal, including the problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions and hypotheses; literature review; and detailed plans for data collection and analysis. “Let's Start Writing” exercises serve as building blocks for drafting a complete proposal. Other user-friendly features include case-study examples from diverse disciplines,
Appears in CollectionsNgôn ngữ Anh




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  • TVS.004656_-Steven R. Terrell - Writing a Proposal for Your Dissertation_ Guidelines and Examples (2022, The Guilford Press).pdf
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