Item Infomation

Title: Network routing : algorithms, protocols, and architectures
Authors: Deepankar Medhi
Keywords: Computer networks | Routers (Computer networks) | Computer network architectures | Mạng máy tính | Kiến trúc mạng máy tính
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Amsterdam ; Boston : Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
Abstract: Network routing can be broadly categorized into Internet routing, PSTN routing, and telecommunication transport network routing. This book systematically considers these routing paradigms, as well as their interoperability. The authors discuss how algorithms, protocols, analysis, and operational deployment impact these approaches. A unique feature of the book is consideration of both macro-state and micro-state in routing; that is, how routing is accomplished at the level of networks and how routers or switches are designed to enable efficient routing.
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