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  • Book

  • Authors: Stephen Pryke ed (2020)

  • This book provides a unique appraisal of supply chain management (SCM) concepts brought together with lessons from industry and analysis gathered from extensive research on how supply chains are managed in the construction industry. The research from leading international academics has been drawn together with the experience from some of the industry's foremost SCM practitioners to provide both the experienced researcher and the industry practitioner a thorough grounding in its principles, as well as an illustration of SCM as a methodology for enhancing construction industry project success.

  • Book

  • Authors: Thomas A. Cook (2018)

  • This book outlines all the critical issues in understanding global risk management and establishes a workable structure, outline, and action plan for corporate executives as a blueprint to follow.

  • Book

  • Authors: Stuart Rosenberg (2018)

  • The book will teach the best practices, high-tech and analytical solutions for the entire global supply chain-customer service to inventory planning to transportation to warehousing.

  • Book

  • Authors: Jay Heizer (2020)

  • Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management presents a broad introduction to the field of operations in a realistic, meaningful and practical manner, while offering the largest and most diverse collection of issues on the market. Problems found in the third Canadian edition contain ample support to help readers better understand concepts important to today’s operations management professionals.

  • Book

  • Authors: Roberta S. Russell (2019)

  • This book is designed to teach students understand how to create value and competitive advantage along the supply chain in a rapidly changing global environment. Beyond providing a solid foundation, this course covers increasingly important OM topics of sustainability, corporate social responsibility, global trade policies, securing the supply chain, and risk and resilience. Most importantly, Operations Management, Tenth Edition makes the quantitative topics easy for students to understand and the mathematical applications less intimidating. Appropriate for all business students, this course takes a balanced approach to the foundational understanding of both qualitative and quantitative operations management processes.

  • Book

  • Authors: William J. Stevenson (2018)

  • This book features integrated, up-to-date coverage of current topics and industry trends, while preserving the core concepts that have made the text the market leader in this course for over a decade. Stevenson's careful explanations and approachable format support students in understanding the important operations management concepts as well as applying tools and methods with an emphasis on problem solving. Through detailed examples and solved problems, short cases and readings on current issues facing businesses, and auto-gradable end of chapter problems and application-oriented assignments available in Connect Operations Management, students learn by doing, and the Thirteenth Edition continues to offer more support for 'doing Operations' than any other.

  • Book

  • Authors: F. Robert Jacobs (2018)

  • The fifteenth edition of Operations and Supply Chain Management provides well-balanced coverage of managing people and applying sophisticated technology to operations and supply chain management.Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, and how they need it, so that your class time is more engaging and effective.

  • Book

  • Authors: Arjan van Weele (2018)

  • Purchasing and Supply Chain Management provides a complete introduction to the important principles underlying the subject area using a flexible managerial perspective. Fully updated, this highly respected textbook covers the latest developments in purchasing and supply chain management with clear and well-structured content complemented by strong case studies that are relevant and engaging.

  • Book

  • Authors: Narayan Rangaraj (2008)

  • This book is positioned to serve two audiences: the MBA and senior student in a business programme, and the professional working in industry who wishes to gain a deeper understanding of supply chain management and logistics especially in an Indian context.