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  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: David Alexander (2021)

  • The seventh edition retains the clear writing style and unique international focus which led to the success of previous editions. This approach enables the learning of financial accounting in a way that is not country-specific. This fully updated text uses the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as its framework to explain key concepts and practices while linking them with contemporary real-life examples from around the world.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Earl K. Stice (2021)

  • Financial Accounting, IFRS Edition, Third Edition serves as a guide for students to comprehend and give insights into accounting of the modern business world. This textbook will focus on core concepts and procedures based on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and supported by real company examples including those in Asia.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Hull, John (2021)

  • A college textbook for courses in business, economics, financial mathematics and financial engineering. A reference book for practitioners in derivatives markets"

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: De Pelsmacker, Patrick (2021)

  • This book provides in-depth coverage of consumer behaviour and branding foundations of marketing communications, and all elements of the communications mix, including advertising, public relations, sponsorship, brand activation, direct marketing and exhibitions.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Graf, Erika (2023)

  • This book provides insights into the fundamentals of international marketing with a focus on these topics because they are commonplace in today's international marketing. It presents theories and concepts of international marketing in a concise form along with many real-world examples.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: D.P. Warne (2023)

  • This volume highlights the similarities between consumer goods and business-to-business marketing, and details where to start. Special attention is given to market analysis, an organization's purchasing behavior, customer relationship management, supply chain management, and the subsequent adjustment of elements of marketing strategies used to reach an organization's customers.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Owen, Jo (2022)

  • "How to Manage remains the classic text on building the rational, political and emotional skills you need to succeed. This sixth edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the new world of work, which requires managers to up their game and to change their game. This has required extensive original global research to discover and record emerging best practices in the new world of hybrid work. That research is captured in this edition"

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Everhart, Jim (2022)

  • Brand Vision: The Clear Line of Sight Aligning Marketing Tactics and Business Strategy hopes to change that by offering simple, easily implemented tools connecting a company’s marketing program to its business strategy. It’s based on a critical premise: that, rather than merely a series of aesthetic decisions on typography and graphics, marketing can be a powerful force that helps a company communicate its strategy. Not just externally, but internally as well.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Adams, Christopher P (2020)

  • This book provides an introduction to the field of microeconometrics through the use of R. The focus is on applying current learning from the field to real world problems. It uses R to both teach the concepts of the field and show the reader how the techniques can be used. It is aimed at the general reader with the equivalent of a bachelor's degree in economics, statistics or some more technical field. It covers the standard tools of microeconometrics, OLS, instrumental variables, Heckman selection and difference in difference. In addition, it introduces bounds, factor models, mixture models and empirical Bayesian analysis"