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  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Philip R. Cateora (2020)

  • Pioneers in the field, Cateora, Gilly, and Graham continue to set the standard in this 18th edition of International Marketing with their well-rounded perspective of international markets that encompass history, geography, language, and religion as well as economics, which helps students see the cultural and environmental uniqueness of any nation or region. The dynamic nature of the international marketplace is reflected in the number of substantially improved and expanded topics in this 18th, including the following over 100 new academic articles and their findings.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Dawn McGruer (2020)

  • Work to live or live to work? On average, we spend a third of our lives at work - 90,000 hours, to be exact - yet many of us still struggle to meet our personal goals and achieve financial success. Not anymore! Now you can turn your passion into profit with insights from thought leader, author, public speaker and award-winning Digital Marketing expert, Dawn McGruer. Dynamic Digital Marketing offers readers the ability to increase their online visibility and presence by using the author's 8 Step AWARD WINNING' digital marketing framework. Digital Marketing is at the hub of any business, and this book aims to help you and your business: Overcome obstacles and challenges related to marketing and online visibility and presence Reach your audience, and attract your target market Generate...

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Weygandt, Jerry J (2020)

  • Revised edition. Includes index. Accounting Principles, 14th Edition provides students with a clear overview of fundamental financial and managerial accounting concepts with a focus on learning the accounting cycle from the sole proprietor perspective. Through a primary review of accounting transactions, integrated real-world examples, and a variety of practice opportunities, students develop a thorough understanding of how to apply accounting principles and techniques in practice.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Noe, Raymond A (2021)

  • Revised edition of the authors' Fundamentals of human resource management, [2020] Includes bibliographical references and indexes. "Managing human resources is a critical component of any company's overall mission to provide val-ue to customers, shareholders, employees, and the community in which it does business. Value includes profits as well as employee growth and satisfaction, creation of new jobs, contributions to community programs, protection of the environment, and innovative use of new technologies Each chapter includes several different pedagogical features. 'Best Practices' provides examples of companies whose HR activities work well. 'HR Oops!' highlights HRM issues that have been handled poorly. 'Did You Know?' offers interesting statistics about chapter topics an...

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Weygandt, Jerry J; Donald E. Kieso; Paul D. Kimmel (2022)

  • Accounting Principles, 9th Canadian Edition empowers students to succeed by providing a clear overview of fundamental financial and managerial accounting concepts with a focus on learning the accounting cycle from the sole proprietor perspective.

  • Tập bài giảng/Lecture

  • Authors: Phạm Thị Bảo Oanh (2022)

  • Trình bày tổng quan khung pháp lý thị trường công cụ tài chính phái sinh. Giới thiệu về khung pháp lý quốc tế, khung pháp lý của các quốc gia tiêu biểu, khung pháp lý của Việt Nam, khung pháp lý ở Việt Nam trong bối cảnh hội nhập quốc tế về thị trường công cụ tài chính phái sinh

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Richard Busulwa (2022)

  • Digital Transformation in Accounting is a critical guidebook for accountancy and digital business students and practitioners to navigate the effects of digital technology advancements, digital disruption, and digital transformation on the accounting profession.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Matias Laine (2021)

  • "Sustainability accounting and accountability is fundamental in the pursuit of low-carbon and less unsustainable societies. Highlighting that accounting, organisations and economic systems are intertwined with sustainability, the book discusses how sustainability accounting and accountability broaden the spectrum of information used in organisational decision-making and in evaluating organisational success. The authors show how sustainability accounting can prove to be transformative, but only if critical questions are sufficiently addressed. This new and completely rewritten edition provides a comprehensive overview of sustainability accounting and accountability. Relevant global context and key concepts are outlined providing the reader with the conceptual resources to engage with...

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Ray Garrison (2021)

  • Garrison's 17th edition improves student learning and fosters course and career readiness with its emphasis on relevance, accuracy, and clarity while also embracing innovation through the incorporation of Data Analytics Exercises. With world class content, combined with the powerful platform of Connect to engage and enhance learning, students are provided with a framework to achieve higher outcomes in their Managerial Accounting course and beyond.