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  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Branigan, Phil (2023)

  • he concept of head-movement plays a central role in transformational analysis and comparative syntax. The research reported here resolves the problem of head-movement with a model which integrates the phenomenon of multiple head-movement. It is shown that head-movement involves two distinct components: a feature valuation operation which takes place within the core syntax at the phase level, and a substitution transformation which operates as a part of the externalization process, forming complex words from atomic roots and affixes. Evidence which supports this new theoretical model is provided with case studies in a number of languages, including detailed examinations of the verb prefix system in Russian and the tripartite morphological structures in Innu-aimûn

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Dubicka, Iwonna (2010)

  • Built on a solid syllabus of grammar, vocabulary, speaking and listening, the course is straightforward and easy to use with clear learning aims. Regular Review units recycle language throughout the course Functional language is presented in a cross-cultural context helping learners to avoid communication breakdown.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Jiang, Nan (2023)

  • This book provides an overview of research on the cognition of bilingualism. In addition to identifying the most important characteristics of this research and offering a historical sketch in the first chapter, the bulk of the book deals with research on four bilingual processing topics. The first topic, lexico-semantic representation and organization in bilinguals, deals with how words and meanings are represented and connected in the bilingual mind.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Leben, William Ronald (2023)

  • "This book is designed for college-level courses about English words and word structure. It explores how units of a language-sounds, word elements, words-function together and how a language functions in society over time. The ultimate aim is to acquaint native and non-native English speakers with aspects of English vocabulary that may be new to them. This includes practice in analyzing complex words, tracing how English got to its present state, and outlining factors that influence people's attitudes toward English usage. We hope this book will serve students in any field of study looking for better comprehension of English vocabulary as well as anyone curious about the language, its development over time, and its growing importance as a world language"--

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Parsons, Jenny (2016)

  • The Teacher's Book includes: Full teaching notes Integrated answer keys and audioscripts Four photocopiable activities for every unit Mid course and end of course tests

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Lê Huy Khoa (2002)

  • Giới thiệu từ điển Hàn - Việt với nhiều mục từ thông dụng trong các lĩnh vực khác nhau: Kinh tế, luật, ngân hàng, doanh nghiệp, đầu tư, chính trị, xây dựng, giáo dục, thể thao và chứng khoán.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Heine, Bernd (2023)

  • The concern of the book is with identifying a domain of discourse processing referred to as 'interactive grammar'. The book rests on the analysis of grammatical descriptions of well over one hundred languages spoken in all major regions of the world. Ten types of interactives, that is, extra-clausal expressions of linguistic discourse, are distinguished, namely attention signals, directives, discourse markers, evaluatives, ideophones, interjections, response elicitors, response signals, social formulae, and vocatives. The main message of the book is that speakers dispose of two contrasting modes for structuring their discourses. One mode, represented by sentence grammar, organized in a propositional format and having an analytic organization, focuses on conceptual communication abou...

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Don Kenny, Jack Walraven, Mary Evans Richie (2016)

  • Tập hợp các bài viết về các khía cạnh của văn hoá Nhật Bản như các từ, các cách nói đặc biệt, các phong tục, quan niệm

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: 姜丽萍 (2013)

  • Cuốn sách này là một trong những cuốn sách nằm trong bộ sưu tập các bài kiểm tra mô phỏng bằng văn bản theo tiêu chuẩn của HSK Trung Quốc