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  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Vijay K. Bhatia (2016)

  • Genre theory has focused primarily on the analysis of generic constructs, with increasing attention to and emphasis on the contexts in which such genres are produced, interpreted, and used to achieve objectives, often giving the impression as if producing genres is an end in itself, rather than a means to an end. The result of this focus is that there has been very little attention paid to the ultimate outcomes of these genre-based discursive activities, which are more appropriately viewed as academic, institutional, organizational, and professional actions and practices, which are invariably non-discursive, though often achieved through discursive means. It was this objective in mind that the book develops an approach to a more critical and deeper understanding of interdiscursive p...

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Vyvyan Evans (2015)

  • From the barbed, childish taunt on the school playground, to the eloquent sophistry of a lawyer prising open a legal loophole in a court of law, meaning arises each time we use language to communicate with one another. How we use language - to convey ideas, make requests, ask a favour, and express anger, love or dismay - is of the utmost importance; indeed, linguistic meaning can be a matter of life and death. In The Crucible of Language, Vyvyan Evans explains what we know, and what we do, when we communicate using language; he shows how linguistic meaning arises, where it comes from, and the way language enables us to convey the meanings that can move us to tears, bore us to death, or make us dizzy with delight. Meaning is, he argues, one of the final frontiers in the mapping of th...

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: A. R. Luria (1976)

  • This important book, by the most distinguished Soviet psychologist of our time, is the product of almost forty years of extensive research aimed at understanding the cerebral basis of human psychological activity. The main part of the book describes what we know today about the individual systems that make up the human brain and about the role of the individual zones of the cerebral hemispheres in the task of providing the necessary conditions for higher forms of mental activity to take place. Finally, Luria analyzes the cerebral organization of perception and action, of attention and memory, or speech and intellectual processes, and attempts to fit the facts obtained by neuropsychological studies of individual brain systems into their appropriate place in the grand design of psycho...

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Christopher D. Mellinger (2017)

  • Quantitative Research Methods in Translation and Interpreting Studies encompasses all stages of the research process that include quantitative research methods, from conceptualization to reporting. In five parts, the authors cover: * sampling techniques, measurement, and survey design; * how to describe data; * how to analyze differences; * how to analyze relationships; * how to interpret results. Each part includes references to additional resources and extensive examples from published empirical work. A quick reference table for specific tests is also included in the appendix. This user-friendly guide is the essential primer on quantitative methods for all students and researchers in translation and interpreting studies.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Charles F. Meyer (2009)

  • Are you looking for a genuine introduction to the linguistics of English that provides a broad overview of the subject that sustains students' interest and avoids excessive detail? Introducing English Linguistics accomplishes this goal in two ways. First, it takes a top-down approach to language, beginning with the largest unit of linguistic structure, the text, and working its way down through successively smaller structures (sentences, words, and finally speech sounds). The advantage of presenting language this way is that students are first given the larger picture - they study language in context - and then see how the smaller pieces of language are a consequence of the larger goals of linguistic communication. Second, the book does not contain invented examples, as is the case ...

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Jack Sidnell (2014)

  • Presenting a comprehensive, state-of-the-art overview oftheoretical and descriptive research in the field, The Handbookof Conversation Analysis brings together contributions byleading international experts to provide an invaluable informationresource and reference for scholars of social interaction acrossthe areas of conversation analysis, discourse analysis, linguisticanthropology, interpersonal communication, discursive psychologyand sociolinguistics. Ideal as an introduction to the field for upper levelundergraduates and as an in-depth review of the latest developmentsfor graduate level students and established scholars Five sections outline the history and theory, methods,fundamental concepts, and core contexts in the study ofconversation, as well as topics central to conversati...

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Norbert Schmitt (2010)

  • The book is divided into three sections: a description of language and language use; essential areas of enquiry; and the four skills and testing. An Introductory chapter familiarises readers with key issues and recurrent themes whilst hands-on activities and further reading sections for each chapter encourage practical analysis and wider reading. For this new edition, each chapter has been fully revised in line with new research and thinking in Applied Linguistics. With its accessible style, broad coverage and practical focus, this book is ideal for students of applied linguistics, TESOL, and second language pedagogy as well as practicing teachers and researchers wishing to update their knowledge.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Brian Paltridge (2013)

  • Featuring a collection of newly commissioned essays, edited by two leading scholars, this Handbook surveys the key research findings in the field of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). - Provides a state-of-the-art overview of the origins and evolution, current research, and future directions in ESP - Features newly-commissioned contributions from a global team of leading scholars - Explores the history of ESP and current areas of research, including speaking, reading, writing, technology, and business, legal, and medical English - Considers perspectives on ESP research such as genre, intercultural rhetoric, multimodality, English as a lingua franca and ethnography

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Farzad Sharifian (2014)

  • Studies of intercultural communication in applied linguistics initially focused on miscommunication, mainly between native and non-native speakers of English. The advent of the twenty-first century has witnessed, however, a revolution in the contexts and contents of intercultural communication; technological advances such as chat rooms, emails, personal weblogs, Facebook, Twitter, mobile text messaging on the one hand, and the accelerated pace of people's international mobility on the other have given a new meaning to the term 'intercultural communication'. Given the remarkable growth in the prevalence of intercultural communication among people from many cultural backgrounds, and across many contexts and channels, conceptual divides such as 'native/non-native' are now almost irrele...