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  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Kearney-Nunnery, Rose (2012)

  • Advance your career to the next level of professional practice with the guidance you’ll find in the New Edition of this popular text. Build upon your prior nursing experiences with all of the concepts you need to progress from RN to BSN and beyond. From new and timely topics such as the Joint Commission’s safety initiatives to health care reform and global issues, this text is ideal for pursuing ongoing education and reaching the next level of professional practice. Thoroughly revised and updated, the 5th Edition encourages you, the practicing nurse, to master the theories that are changing nursing. Apply them to the situations you’ll encounter in practice today… and to the challenges in which you’ll play a pivotal role in facing as a nurse tomorrow.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Bradshaw, Martha J (2011)

  • Innovative Teaching Strategies in Nursing and Related Health Professions, Fifth Edition continues to provide nursing educators and other health care professionals with the latest, proven teaching strategies. Newly revised and updated, this new Fifth Edition offers how-to-strategies for incorporating the burgeoning field of technology into the classroom. New topics include Web 2.0 technologies such as blogs and podcasts. Also featured are chapters on Blended Learning and Study Abroad programs, enabling students to gain a more diverse and increased global perspective. Featuring innovative teaching techniques for various learning environments and real world illustrations of the strategies in use, this book goes beyond theory to offer practical application principles that educators can ...

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Nugent, Patricia M (2014)

  • This book provide from nursing theory, legal and ethical issues, and leadership and management to psychological support, infection control and medication administration—easy-to-follow outlines in every chapter review exactly what you need to know.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Purnell, Larry D (2013)

  • Prepare yourself for the culturally rich and ethically diverse world in which you will practice. Noted researchers, educators, and clinicians from a wealth of backgrounds use the Purnell twelve-step model to examine 33 population groups from a health care perspective. Each brings a personal understanding of the traditions and customs of their societies, providing a unique perspective on the implications for patient care.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Porter-O'Grady, Timothy (2019)

  • Leadership in Nursing Practice: Changing the Landscape of Health Care, Third Edition, gives nursing students the opportunity to develop the leadership skill set they will need to succeed in the field. The text acknowledges that not all nurses will be managers, but that all, regardless of career path, will be leaders.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Ondrejka, Dennis (2014)

  • Provides the most authoritative information available on affective teaching in nursing Supports NLNis and AACNis nurse educator competencies to achieve desired outcomes in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor areas of learning Clarifies affective pedagogy, how to discuss it, and what it implies for teaching success Addresses philosophy, taxonomy, teaching infrastructure needs, affective teaching models, and assessment tools Covers the use of affective pedagogy with distance learning and at conferences

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Scully, Natashia (2014)

  • Clinical Cases: Fundamentals of Nursing Case Studies is clearly structured to maximise your learning. Each case study begins with an introduction of the presenting condition and its symptoms. As the scenario develops, information concerning the patient's condition, tests and medications are provided. At the close of each case study, the patient outcomes are explored in addition to a discussion of the most significant considerations of the scenario.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Rinehart, Wilda (2010)

  • Study Tips like the advice and instruction that a personal tutor might provide. Notes, Tips, and Cautions provide you with hints and strategies that will help you reduce your mistakes on the exam. Comprehensive discussion of all subject areas covered on RN Exam. Practice Questions that include detailed explanations of correct and incorrect answers-so you can learn the material from your success and mistakes.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Vitale, Barbara A (2013)

  • Content review plus Q&A...perfect every time, every place, everywhere! Prepare for the NCLEX wherever you are--at home, in the library, or on the bus. Here are tips, strategies, techniques, and content--all in one pocket-sized resource. You'll review all major content areas while you hone your test-taking techniques.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Catalano, Joseph T (2015)

  • The thoroughly revised and updated 7th Edition of this popular text examines the important issues and trends shaping the nursing profession today. Explore the evolution and history of nursing and examine the impact of an aging population on healthcare delivery. Continue the conversation about the effects of healthcare reform and outline a plan for advanced practice nursing education.