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  • Book

  • Authors: Nguyễn Công Khẩn (2007)

  • Giới thiệu về bảng thành phần thực phẩm Việt Nam và một số nguyên tắc xây dựng bảng thành phần thực phẩm. Cung cấp thông số về thành phần dinh dưỡng của các nhóm thực phẩm như ngũ cốc; hạt, quả giàu đạm; dầu, mỡ, bơ; thịt và các sản phẩm chế biến; thuỷ sản; trứng; sữa; đồ hộp; gia vị; nước giải khát... cũng như thành phần các acid béo, acid amin và các chất khác trong 100g thực phẩm ăn được

  • Book

  • Authors: - (2014)

  • The primary target audience of this report are Ministers of Health. The report provides information on voluntary global targets and how to scale up national efforts to attain them, in a sustainable manner. The 2010 baseline estimates on NCD mortality and risk factors are provided so that countries may begin reporting to WHO on progress made in attaining targets, starting in 2015. The country case studies on successful prevention and control of NCDs highlighted in the report can be instructive for others facing similar challenges. As discussed in this report, there is an agreed set of very cost-effective -- and globally applicable -- NCD interventions for attaining all nine targets by 2025.

  • Book

  • Authors: Prathibha Varkey. (2010)

  • This new comprehensive resource Medical Quality Management: Theory and Practice addresses the needs of physicians, medical students, and other health care professionals for up to date information about medical quality management. In reviewing the key principles and methods that comprise the current state of medical quality management in U.S. health care, this text provides a concise summary of quality improvement, patient safety and quality measurement methodologies. This textbook also describes the current state of global networks and computing technologies, and provides an overview of ethics, legislation, policy making, accreditation and utilization management techniques as it relates to quality improvement. including general approaches and methods, support systems, regulatory con...

  • Book

  • Authors: Nguyễn Thị Kim Tiến (2015)

  • Báo cáo chung Tổng quan ngành y tế 2014 (JAHR 2014) là báo cáo thứ 8 do Bộ Y tế cùng với Nhóm đối tác y tế (Health Partnership Group - HPG) phối hợp thực hiện hằng năm. Báo cáo JAHR đánh giá tiến độ thực hiện các nhiệm vụ đã đề ra trong Kế hoạch 5 năm ngành y tế 2011-2015, kết quả thực hiện các Mục tiêu Thiên niên kỷ và Kế hoạch 5 năm, đồng thời tập trung phân tích sâu chuyên đề về “Tăng cường dự phòng và kiểm soát bệnh không lây nhiễm”.

  • Book

  • Authors: Richard B. Saltman (2014)

  • This study explores key developments in public hospital governance in Europe. In doing so, it highlights the central role of hospital-level decision-making and how it is shaped by the various participants and stakeholders. In particular, it examines the degree to which granting an individual hospital the ability to make its own strategic, financial and clinical decisions--to become semi-autonomous within the public sector--may improve institutional-level functioning and outcomes.

  • Book

  • Authors: Helena Legido-Quigley (2008)

  • People have always travelled within Europe for work and leisure, although never before with the current intensity. Now, however, they are travelling for many other reasons, including the quest for key services such as health care. Whatever the reason for travelling, one question they ask is “If I fall ill, will the health care I receive be of a high standard?” This book examines, for the first time, the systems that have been put in place in all of the European Union’s 27 Member States. The picture it paints is mixed. Some have well developed systems, setting standards based on the best available evidence, monitoring the care provided, and taking action where it falls short. Others need to overcome significant obstacles.