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  • Book

  • Authors: Tomlinson, Brian (2013)

  • This second edition brings it completely up to date and expands on the original book. It deals with advances in IT and an increasingly globalized world.It is the only publication which views current developments in materials development through the eyes of developers and users of materials from all over the world. In doing so it applies principles to practice in ways demonstrated to facilitate the effectiveness of language learning materials.The chapters are written so that the book provides critical overviews of recent developments in materials development and at the same time acts as a stimulus for development and innovation in the field. It is intended both for use as a course book on postgraduate and teacher training courses and as a resource for the stimulus and refreshment of ...

  • Book

  • Authors: Bùi Tiến Bảo (1977)

  • When studying translating and translating (I / T) in university, students often face many difficulties like how to remember what was said, how to express an idea clearly and quickly in the target language, how to translate the source language (SL) into the target language (TL), etc. To help students become better interpreters and translators and enjoy the subject, translation and translation theory was introduced. It is important that potential interpreters / translators understand the I / T process, identify problems during I / T implementation, and then find effective and viable solutions. These issues are also the main content of this short course. Hopefully the participants will find the course practical, useful and enjoyable.

  • Book

  • Authors: Geeraerts, Dirk (2010)

  • This book fills that gap by charting the evolution of the discipline from the mid nineteenth century to the present day. It presents the main ideas, the landmark publications, and the dominant figures of five traditions: historical-philological semantics, structuralist semantics, generativist semantics, neostructuralist semantics, and cognitive semantics. The theoretical and methodological relationship between the approaches is a major point of attention throughout the text: going well beyond a mere chronological enumeration, the book does not only describe the theoretical currents of lexical semantics, but also the undercurrents that have shaped its evolution.

  • Book

  • Authors: C.R.Kothari (2006)

  • I feel encouraged by the widespread response from teachers and students alike to the first edition. I am presenting this second edition, thoroughly revised and enlarged, to my readers in all humbleness. All possible efforts have been made to enhance further the usefulness of the book. The feedback received from different sources has been incorporated. In this edition a new chapter on “The Computer: Its role in Research” have been added in view of the fact that electronic computers by now, for students of economics, management and other social sciences, constitute an indispensable part of research equipment. The other highlights of this revised edition are (i) the subject contents has been developed, refined and restructured at several points, (ii) several new problems have also been...

  • Book

  • Authors: Jeremy Harmer (2010)

  • How to Teach English is a practical guide for teachers who are at an early stage in their careers and for those studying to become teachers. This new edition has been fully revised to reflect recent methodological developments.

  • Book

  • Authors: Langan, John (2010)

  • Exploring Writing: Sentences and Paragraphs serves as a guidebook for every step of the writing process. Emphasizing both process and practice, with a focus on revision, the new second edition helps to apply and advance writing skills using John Langan’s proven techniques. Mastering essential sentence skills, learning to write effective sentences, paragraphs, and essays, and becoming a critical reader are turning points for every writer, and they will prepare the students for writing situations in college and beyond.

  • Book

  • Authors: Roach, Peter (2014)

  • This new edition takes into account recent developments in the teaching of phonology. It includes updated references, fuller coverage of intonation, and a new chapter on different varieties of English with illustrative recorded material. At the end of each chapter in the book there are notes giving information on further reading, discussion of the more challenging issues, written exercises and, where appropriate, suggestions for teachers. In addition the audio CDs include recorded exercises for every chapter which are particularly helpful for non-native speakers. A full answer key is available at the back of the book. Additional exercises and other supporting material are available online.

  • Book

  • Authors: - (2007)

  • The Effective Academic Writing series teaches the writing modes, rhetorical devices, and language points students need for academic success. Each unit introduces a theme and writing task and then guides the student writer through the process of gathering ideas, organizing an outline, drafting, revising, and editing. Students are given the opportunity to explore their opinions, discuss their ideas, and share their experiences through written communication.