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  • Book

  • Authors: Leo Jones (2015)

  • Let's Talk Second Edition is a fully revised edition of Let's Talk, the successful three-level speaking and listening course that takes students from a high-beginning to a high-intermediate level. The Let's Talk 2, Second Edition,Teacher's Manual has been enhanced and expanded to offer increased support and flexibility. Included are detailed teaching notes, clear learning objectives for every activity, teaching tips, expansion activities, and writing options. Provided as photocopiables in the back of the book are model conversations for discussion support, talking points for additional speaking practice, and a complete assessment program including quizzes and tests. The Audio CD packaged with the Teacher's Manual provides all the listening sections for the assessment program.

  • Book

  • Authors: Mackenzie, I. E (2010)

  • English for Business Studies Third Edition reflects recent changes in the world's business and economic environment, featuring new units including Corporate Social Responsibility and Venture Capital. Covering the most important areas of management, production, marketing, finance and macroeconomics, it helps students to understand and talk about key concepts in business and economics. Using case studies, discussions and role-plays, the course helps learners to develop and defend their own viewpoints, and new audio featuring authentic interviews with business people offers realistic listening practice.

  • Book

  • Authors: Hamilton Gregory (2010)

  • "Public Speaking for College and Career" offers a practical, accessible, and non-intimidating approach to public speaking. Through numerous stories, examples, and techniques, this popular text shows students how to achieve clarity and confidence during the speeches they must give in college, in their careers, and in their communities.

  • Book

  • Authors: Moore, Brooke Noel (2009)

  • More than any other textbook, Moore and Parker's Critical Thinking has defined the structure and content of the critical thinking course at colleges and universities across the country--and has done so with a witty writing style that students enjoy. Current examples relevant to today's students bring the concepts of critical thinking to life in vivid detail. This ninth edition offers an abundance of new exercises and examples, as well as a renewed focus on the importance of developing critical thinking skills.

  • Book

  • Authors: Stephen May (2017)

  • In this third, fully revised edition, the 10 volume Encyclopedia of Language and Education offers the newest developments, including an entirely new volume of research and scholarly content, essential to the field of language teaching and learning in the age of globalization. In the selection of topics and contributors, the Encyclopedia reflects the depth of disciplinary knowledge, breadth of interdisciplinary perspective, and diversity of socio-geographic experience in the language and education field. Throughout, there is an inclusion of contributions from non-English speaking and non-western parts of the world, providing truly global coverage. Furthermore, the authors have sought to integrate these voices fully into the whole, rather than as special cases or international perspec...

  • Book

  • Authors: R. Baldwin, John (2014)

  • Provides a thorough introduction to inter- and cross-cultural concepts for beginning students with a focus on practical application and social action Defines “communication” broadly using authors from a variety of sub disciplines and incorporating scientific, humanistic, and critical theory Constructs a complex version of culture using examples from around the world that represent a variety of differences, including age, sex, race, religion, and sexual orientation Promotes civic engagement with cues toward individual intercultural effectiveness and giving back to the community in socially relevant ways Weaves pedagogy throughout the text with student-centered examples, text boxes, applications, critical thinking questions, a glossary of key terms, and online resources for studen...

  • Book

  • Authors: Sandra L. Dwyer (2012)

  • With a complete, approachable presentation, CRITICAL THINKING: THE ART OF ARGUMENT is an accessible yet rigorous introduction to critical thinking. The text emphasizes immediate application of critical-thinking skills to real life. The relevance of these skills is shown throughout the text by highlighting the advantages of basing one's decisions on a thoughtful understanding of arguments and presenting the overarching commonalities across arguments. With its conversational writing style and carefully selected examples, the book employs a consistent and unified treatment of logical form and an innovative semiformal method of standardizing arguments that illustrates the concept of logical form while maintaining a visible connection to ordinary speech. Without sacrificing accuracy or d...

  • Book

  • Authors: Kelvin Seifert (2009)

  • Educational Psychology continues to emphasize the educational implications and applications of research on child development, cognitive science, learning, motivation, teaching, and assessment. Theory and practice are considered together, showing how information and ideas drawn from educational psychology research can be applied to solve the everyday problems of teaching. The text reflects the field as it offers unique and crucial knowledge to any who dare to teach, and to all who love to learn.