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Title: Health Economics
Other Titles: Theories, Insights, and Industry Studies
Authors: Rexford E. Santerre
Keywords: Kinh tế học Y tế | Hệ thống chăm sóc sức khoẻ
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: No matter how extensive--or limited--your economics background, HEALTH ECONOMICS, Fifth Edition, delivers current, comprehensive, and complete coverage that equips you with a solid, practical knowledge of today's fast-changing health care systems. Thoroughly revised, the new Fifth Edition addresses the many changes in both the public and private sectors as it thoroughly presents the costs and benefits associated with various health care choices. With a lively and inviting writing style, the text presents topics in an easy-to-understand format that uses only the core foundations of economic theory while also presenting real-world applications that you can readily apply to your own life.
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