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dc.contributor.authorGut, Ulrike-
dc.description.abstractThis comprehensive textbook provides a practical introduction to English phonetics and phonology. Assuming no prior background, the author outlines all of the core concepts and methods of phonetics and phonology and presents the basic facts in a clear and straightforward manner. In sections marked as advanced reading it is shown how these concepts and methods are applied in language acquisition and language teaching. The textbook contains exercises, an index, suggestions for further reading and many audio examples on the accompanying CD-ROM. An essential text for students embarking on the study of English sounds at B.A. level and beyonden_US
dc.subjectMã học phần EL322,: English Phonetics | Phonology | Ngữ âm tiếng Anh | Âm vị họcen_US
dc.titleIntroduction to English Phonetics and Phonologyen_US
dc.title.alternativeTextbooks in English Language and Linguistics (TELL)en_US
Appears in CollectionsNgôn ngữ Anh

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